Love Me

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Pleeeeeeaasseee forgive me!! ;-; I was helping @AloraGreenleaf with moral support and more. She's taking on the challenge of NaNoWriMo (go, Makenna!) If you'd like to head on over to her profile and give her motivation, I'm sure she'd greatly appreciate it! I wrote a fluffy chappie to make up for my... er, absence.

Also, a huge thank you to @JeanGrey_ for making the fabulous cover!!

Uh... happy belated Halloween?


God, I need a job. My iPod's so busted up, I can hardly see the words on the screen. I... also need to stop ranting and get to the writing. ;-; Just letting you know, my 'g' key is a bit sticky at the moment. There might be a few missing letters.


The next few days passed in a blur, between the preparations for Jareth's nephew and coaching Sarah on manners. The young girl had been resisting his teachings, and his patience had worn thin. Her bruises had vanished, and with them the memory of the attack. Still, it was a memory that lived on in his mind alone. One that would torture him forever, knowing that he'd hurt the one he cared for most.

"Sarah, would you please listen to me?"

"Why in the name of God do I need to learn the difference between a soup spoon and a normal spoon?" Sarah whined, throwing the silverware on the ground. "It's not like I'll be queen or anything!" Not if you keep this act up... Jareth thought crossly.

"Either way, you will need to be present, as you are the newest member of the castle." He muttered through gritted teeth. Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself down. Her face, red with anger and embarrassment, filled him with both fury and compassion. It took one glance to take his breath away. How could one mortal girl steal my heart?

"Lessons are finished for today," Jareth said briskly.


"Sarah, I would like you to take a walk with me in the Labyrinth." The wild haired fae was surprised by his own impulsive request.


"Sarah, it is not up for debate. Come with me now." He held out his gloved hand, and the young girl took it hesitantly. She looks gorgeous, Jareth thought idly, taking in the sight of her soft green dress.

He brought her to a part of the hedge maze she'd breezed past. Roses, tulips, every kind of blossom grew in this very spot. The dwarf was not allowed in. Actually, no one is.

He heard her gasp, and smiled a true smile of joy. Not a smirk, real happiness.

"It smells like the park at home!" She squealed, delighted. Jareth noticed how she shivered when she'd said home, and he felt the same reaction go through his own body. This is her home.

"Sarah, this is your home," he reminded her gently. She hung her head.

"I know. I... I keep telling myself that. I just wish I could see them right now, just to check on them." She had no idea she'd given an order that the Goblin King was bound to obey. He didn't want to subject her to the horrors of her mortal home.

"Sarah, I cannot take you there."

"I know. But thank you anyways." Her dark hair spread over her shoulders in a glossy curtain as she sat on a stone bench.

"I can show you them, but I can't do much more than that." Jareth offered, producing a crystal sphere. Slowly, an image formed in the glass as he took a seat beside her.

"Is that Toby?" Her eyes watered. "I made a mistake. I'm so sorry, Toby..." The blonde babe was wailing in his crib, and when Sarah moved the crystal, the view changed as well. Lying on the bed was Irene, with a man other than her father. "That cheating skank...!" Jareth winced.

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