What Have You Done

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Blood soaked Sarah's palms, and she tossed the knife aside. Jareth allowed himself a moment of shock as she went to Toby and held his hand. She went from maniacal killer... To loving sister?

"Let's go. There's nothing left for us here." Sarah spoke to Toby. In a flash, they were back in the garden. Jareth appeared soon afterwards.

"Sarah... What was that? What did he... What did you..." For once, the Goblin King, so eloquent with speech, was lost for words.

"What was what?" She noticed her baby brother in Jareth's arms. "You took him anyways! Damn you, Goblin King!" She snatched Toby out of his grasp and held him close.

"I didn't do anything, Sarah," Jareth protested darkly. "If anything, you're the one who--"

"Wished him away? I offered myself, there's no reason why you should have taken him again!" Jareth took a step back. As soon as she left the mortal world, everything was forgotten...

A shudder ran through his body. "Sarah, I can't argue with you right now. Malefek has arrived, and I must greet him. As the ruler, I, the sovereign of the kingdom, must welcome him personally."

"I don't care, Goblin King. Do whatever you want," she spat venomously. Jareth shook with rage. She remembered nothing. Not her love, not his own actions, not how he defended her...

"Fine, Sarah! Go. Leave the Labyrinth, find your way out! I hope you enjoyed your stay here, because it's over." He faded into the walls, leaving a screaming child and angry girl.


"Welcome, nephew." Jareth swept into a bow.

"King Jareth." Malefek had been escorted by two of his most level-headed goblins-- Candlewic and Spittledrum.

"I hear you have several messages for me?" Jareth was sitting properly in his throne, and the messes had been cleaned up.

"Yes. D-d-do you have anywhere we can speak?" Malefek stuttered, and Jareth sighed.

"Yes. Follow me to the study." He stood and headed for his office. He did his best not to think of Sarah.

"Where is the bride you are preparing?" Malefek asked, looking around the halls. He's not helping.


"Ah." Malefek didn't question much, he just accepted.

"Here we are." Jareth opened the door. "Please, take a seat." Malefek sat near the fire, rolling a tiny figure around in his hands. "What is it you wish to tell me?"

"Well, the elves on the eastern borders are..." He tuned out his nephew with thoughts of the girl with the babe who forgot everything.


Sarah winced as Toby let out another ear-splitting scream. "Oh, Toby, stop it!" Her anger only increased the volume of his wails. "I don't know where I am or how to get out! God dammit, Goblin King!"

She wore a dress, and looked for something to mark her way. This time, she didn't have a tube of lipstick. But she had lipstick on.

Sarah smeared the oily substance with her finger and spread it on the wall. She'd learned her lesson about the ground. Every bit of the Labyrinth was tricky.

"I need the exit!" Sarah snarled. She turned around and found herself face to face with the massive door. "That... just happened."

My iPod ran out of battery, and the charger stopped working, so I couldn't do anything! I used to go on Wattpad every day at school to work on this story, but then some kids started using it like Facebook. After that, it was banned. My iPod was my only option left.

Does anybody know why people refer to Sarah's stepmother as "Karen"? Her name is Irene!

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