Before It's Too Late

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"No!" Sarah wailed brokenly as she fell to her knees. She'd failed...

The Goblin King held up a crystal.

"It appears you have failed to solve my Labyrinth, Sarah." He rolled the crystal on his hand repeatedly.

"Give me Toby! I made it this far!" The dark-haired girl demanded, tears in her eyes.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, my dear," Jareth purred as Toby appeared in his arms, the bright red contrasting greatly with the glittering black attire of the Goblin King. "You're no match for me, Sarah." He mocked, Toby gurgling happily in his arms.

"Give me the child," Sarah began, moving towards the cruel Goblin King. "Through dangers untold, and-"

"Hardships unnumbered..." Jareth snarled, startling the young girl. "Oh, yes the terrifying dangers you've encountered..." He sighed theatrically. "And the hardships you've been forced to endure!" Sarah's face grew hot with embarrassment.

"What do you want? Give me my brother, please!" She begged the Goblin King.

"Your childish stories and cheap jewelry hold no value with me, Sarah." He was tiring of her games. "What could you possibly offer me?" Sarah's mind raced desperately.

It seemed there was only one way out of this, one way to save her baby brother.

Squaring her jaw, Sarah looked Jareth straight into his mismatched eyes and responded.

"Me." The Goblin King's eyes widened.

"Well, well, that is a trade of greater value." He'd expected her to beg relentlessly for the little fellow, and her willingness to give herself over Toby shocked him.

While Jareth thought, Sarah saw the smallest window of opportunity and lurched forward towards the baby. The Goblin King offered no resistance to the dark-haired girl, now cradling her brother.

"Toby, Toby, I'm so sorry..." She whispered, tears spilling out onto her cheeks.

"Sarah." Jareth walked over to the weeping girl, his ebony-black boots clicking and echoing around the distorted room. Fear filled her eyes, pleasing the Goblin King.

"Don't take him!" She hissed, turning away. Jareth was somewhat disappointed as to where her fear went. It not being directed at him, but he would have to deal with it.

"Oh, my dear, I wouldn't dream of it. I have something better now." He smirked while the girl stared at him in horror.

"I'm not your 'dear' anything!" Sarah snarled, drawing away from the Goblin King.

"Perhaps not," Jareth paused. "But you are mine now, in a way." His eyes gleamed with pale fire. "You promised yourself in place of your brother, and I intend to keep my winnings."

"You can't do this! I never even meant to send him away!" Sarah's dark brown hair flowed over her shoulders, wet with tears.

"What's said is said."

"Let me run your Labyrinth again! If I get out in thirteen hours, I go free with Toby. If I don't make it... then you keep me forever."

"Now why would I do that? I already have you here. I'd only be risking my prize." He conjured another crystal and held it out to the frightened girl.

"Take it, and you go back home in place of your brother." His hopes fell as she reached for it, but common sense took over and she knocked it out of his hands and kicked it over the sides of the platform. They both watched the glass shatter below, and Jareth turned to her in fury. "That was not a wise decision, Sarah." The way he said 'Sarah' sent shivers up the young girl's spine. He rolled a bit on the 'r' with that British- sounding accent.

"Well, it's not like you had any balls in the first place." She smirked. Jareth's face filled with rage as he grabbed her shirt.

"Say your goodbyes." He growled, looking deep into Sarah's green eyes.

"I will not say goodbye to Toby. I will be returning home with him!" She stared indignantly.

"Yes, you will." Sarah's heart fluttered with hope, which was quickly squashed. "The Labyrinth is your home now. Toby does not belong here."

"I can't stay here!"

"You must obey my orders, Sarah! I refuse for my direct commands to be completely disregarded!"

"Deal with it, Goblin Spawn!"

"You had your chance, Sarah!" Jareth roared. Toby disappeared in a flash of light.

"Toby! No! You bastard!" She shoved the Goblin King, and he staggered a few steps.

"You are going to come with me, Sarah!"

"And what makes you think I'll listen?" She challenged, stepping away from the furious Goblin King.

"I will not hesitate to strand you into the Bog of Eternal Stench!"

"Well, then it's bound to be a lot better than here!" Sarah snapped. Jareth grabbed her arm roughly.

"Keep your mouth shut, woman." He walked over the edge of the stairs, causing Sarah to squeal in terror. The world turned upright again as he knocked on the wall.

"That's just a wall, there's no way through." Sarah said incredulously.

"Things are not always what they seem in this place." Jareth mocked. He pushed through the wall and came down a flight of stairs, the same ones the girl had taken to come up here. He still held Sarah with a firm grip.

At the bottom, Sir Didymous, Hoggle, and Ludo waited. How had they escaped the oubliette?

"Did ya beat the rat?" Hoggle exclaimed.

"My fair lady! Hast thou rescued thy brother?"


All three of them saw Jareth accompanying Sarah and widened their eyes in astonishment.

"Sarah will be staying here, now. Hedgewort, guide her to her chambers."

"It's Hoggle." Sarah corrected, following her friend.

After they left the Goblin King behind, Sarah began to cry.

"I lost him... I saved Toby, but I lost myself."

"I'm sorry, Sarah. I told ya he was a rat." Hoggle unlocked a doorway and showed her inside. As soon as Sarah walked into the room, she threw herself onto the large bed and cried herself to sleep.


Author's notes:

Thanks for reading, and please, leave a lovely comment in the little box! Or, you could move the stars and click that beautiful button!

Hi, I'm Fuzzygoblins! Thank you to melissavampslave2208 for motivating me to continue! :) I swear I will never leave you hanging, Ill ALWAYS update, no matter what. I'll try to update pretty frequently, I have a few chapters written down in a notebook, and it's difficult to write the whole thing down on my iPod...


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