Do As I Say

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Jareth paced his study, for once unsure of what to do. Those fools were sent to the oubliette after helping her. He'd taken Sarah, but how to make her love him?

"I already told her." The wild haired fae growled to himself. "It's her turn."

A knock at the dark wooden door interrupted his thoughts.

"What do you want?" The Goblin King yelled, yanking open the door. A small, frightened goblin stood outside, flicking a hairy tail.

"Y-your Highness?" He squeaked, backing away.


"It... the... I mean..." It stammered, trying to avoid the king's wrath.

"Spit it out!" Jareth roared, his patience with the creature waning.

"The c-cook's p-prepared with s-supper, my Lord!" He managed to say, and squinted his eyes.

"Get the girl and tell her to come into dinner." The King of the Goblins ordered the frightened thing.

"Right away, Your Majesty." It scuttled away on all fours, running towards Sarah's room. Maybe she'd come to her senses at dinner.

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Sarah's slumber was restless, and offered no escape from the terrible reality she'd plunged into. Finally, unable to sleep calmly, the pretty brown haired girl sat up.

"What I used to dream... I now dread. He'll always be there singing songs in my head." She whispered to herself, clutching the light green satin pillow.

A gentle knock on the door startled her, though she'd expected something more harsh.

"Miss Lady?" A ragged voice croaked outside the door. It couldn't be the Goblin King, though one couldn't be too sure around the mischievous man. Sarah opened the door slightly, and saw a short, fuzzy goblin. This wasn't him.

"Uh- hello." Sarah greeted the goblin, opening it wider.

"My Lord tells you to come into dinner." He panted, pointing down the hall. Her anger grew.

"Well, you can tell him that I am not listening to a single word he says!" She told the goblin indignantly.

"But... King will get mad at Flutzy!" Sarah could almost hear his little heart fluttering.

Poor thing, she thought.

"Please? For me?" She begged. He turned his head, unused to someone so nice.

"Okay. I guess I will try!" The goblin twirled around, tripping on its long fur. Sarah didn't admit it, but she was very hungry. She hated admitting it to anyone- much less the Goblin King.

A loud roar from the other side of the castle told her that he'd received her refusal. Sarah was a bit scared, but she had made it through the Labyrinth. The Goblin King was a piece of cake- so to speak.

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Jareth was furious. That girl had the gall to disobey his direct orders?

"We'll see who wins this battle, Sarah." He hissed, kicking the hairy goblin aside. It squeaked in discomfort, though he was used to it.

"Sarah!" Jareth bellowed, stomping off to her room. He threw open the door, and she whipped around, frightened. "I gave you my express wishes, you stay in my castle, you will listen to me!" Sarah gathered her wits and looked the Goblin King right into the eyes.

"We can't always get what we wish for, Goblin King." She told him cooly, though she was trying hard not to shake. "And I'd prefer not to be in your castle."

"You will be punished, Sarah!" The Goblin King warned, using all the self control he had not to set something on fire.

"Me being here is enough of a punishment." Sarah rebuked, sitting down on the bed. A thorn of pain stabbed Jareth's heart.

"I offer you the world, and still, you deny me!"

"Maybe I don't want the world, Goblin King! Maybe I want to go home!" She screamed, tears in her eyes.

"This is your home now, Sarah." He said quietly, stepping out of the room. "And it shall remain so." Slamming the door, he wandered through the castle aimlessly, not caring where he was. The clock chimed seven, and he knew he was late for dinner.

"Doesn't matter." Jareth muttered to himself. "Nobody'll be there, anyways. Even so, his stomach growled. Sighing, he gave in and disappeared in a flash of glitter.

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Sarah was still shocked at the Goblin King's rage, but didn't want to go out there again. She was now starving, and had no way to food. Well, not one she liked. Sarah threw herself onto the bed, trying to forget her aching belly.

"I hope when I wake up- if I wake up, I'm safely in bed." She murmured weakly, closing her eyes.

A clang abruptly woke Sarah, who jumped in surprise. She fell off the bed and came face to face with a goblin- the same one from earlier.

"Oh, um... Flitzy, was it?" She asked, picking herself up off the carpeted floor.

"Flutzy, Lady." The fluffy goblin proffered a tray of food out to her, wincing as he moved his right arm. Sarah took it and set it down on the dresser, not wanting anything of the Goblin King's. Flutzy looked worried.

"Are you okay, Lady?" He poked his nose into her knee, smiling sweetly. Sarah's heart melted.

"I'm sorry, Flutzy. I'm just... nervous, I guess." She admitted.

"You will like it here, Lady. Goblin King can be nice... sometimes." Flutzy twitched as she patted his arm.

"What's wrong here?" Sarah poked again, and the goblin squeaked in pain.

"It is nothing. Happens all time. We are used to it." He shrugged it off. "When King is mad, we stay away, or he kicks us."

"Oh, poor little guy... come here." She carefully lifted the fluffy goblin onto the smooth bed, sneezing as his fur tickled her nose. Her belly growled again, and she glanced longingly at the tray of food.

A small bowl of roast beef stew was steaming, as well as a carrot and peach.

"You can eat it, Lady. I got it for you." Flutzy smiled, swinging his legs over the bedside. Sarah hesitated, then succumbed to the enticing smell of the stew.

She ate the carrot, but stopped at the peach.

"Do you want it?" Sarah offered the sweet smelling fruit to the goblin. "I'm done." She despised peaches now. She'd staved off her hunger for now, but it would return. At the moment, she was tired.

Flutzy took the fruit and nibbled, then chomped onto it. He ate ravenously, as if he'd never eaten anything so delicious. After he finished, he looked longingly at the empty plate, and started to get off the bed.

"Wait!" Flutzy turned his head. "Want to stay here tonight?" Flutzy nodded slowly at first, then smiled broadly. He liked this Lady. Much better than Mizumi.

Sarah hugged the fluffy creature, glad for his comfort. They slipped into a deep dream, warm and somewhat happy.

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Jareth sat on his throne, glaring at the crystal ball. That insolent little goblin was snoring beside Sarah, and had brought her the tray against his orders! He crushed the orb, and it shattered into sparkling dust.

His heart hurt in the strangest way. She was closer to a goblin than him.

Why couldn't she love him?

Gracias, señoritas/señors! Turn my world upside down and tell me how I did. Did you know that voting is the equivalent of a drugged peach?
Yeah, I didn't mean for it to come out like that..

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