I Was Frightening

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Warning: Rated "HOALOC" for "HELL OF A LOT OF CURSING".
A note: There will be NO, and I repeat, NO lemon scenes in my stories. I allude to events, but will never openly have a sex scene. I find these are far too common in LabyFics.

Wings whooshed in the night, and anger could be tasted in the very air.
A white house came into view, and the majestic owl swooped in. Two figures were screaming at each other, both ignoring the baby sobbing pitifully.

Jareth was filled with rage when he saw blood trickling down the poor infant's head. Spiraling down, he crashed through the window, abandoning all notions of caution.

Immediately, before the abusive parents and injured baby, stood the Goblin King. Irene shrieked and fainted. Brian shook with fear. Only Robert remained upright, staring at the furious fae with consternation. His wonder quickly turned to anger.

"You slut, another asshole?" He threw the beer bottle at Jareth, who grinned wickedly.

"Hello, Mr. Williams. I think it's time we had a talk."


Sarah stared into the crystal, shocked at the scene. Anger filled her body, and she screamed. Every memory returned of her father's treatment of her, and even...
Oh, God. Jareth hurt me...

Sarah's thoughts burned, but she realized what had happened. Jareth had hurt her, but attempted to help. That alone counted for so much. He could be forgiven. He already is. I was angry at Jareth before because he hurt me, but I... I felt it so much more acutely. Because of what dad put me through.

Memories flew through her mind of past events, long forgotten. Her own father taking a whip to her back. Her own father bruising her without restraint as an attack on Linda. Her own damn father touching her.

"Dad," she whispered. "I swear to God. I am going to fucking kill you."

"Who the hell are you?" Robert backed away as the Goblin King advanced, his menacing form sending terror into the mortal man's heart.

"I am not one to be trifled with." His eyes flashed, and Robert flung the nearest object towards Jareth. He held up a hand and caught it easily before crushing it. It had been a diamond-studded necklace. Now, it was a pile of dust.

"Who-- no, what-- the fuck are you?"

"I am the Goblin King, and I've come... to take the child."

"No, this is a dream, this is a dream... Sarah was always talking about the whateverthehell king before that bitch came and took her away."

"Sarah has not gone with her mother. She has gone to someone who loves her far more than you ever did." Flames danced in Jareth's eyes. He would make this man suffer, for hurting Sarah.

He'd begun seeing Sarah's spirit when she was ten. He became her protector, as to defend the last spark of natural magic in the world.
He'd fallen in love with her in the Labyrinth.

"How much has she suffered? What have you done to her?" Jareth's voice grew even louder. Toby screeched, and only then did the Goblin King take his eyes off Sarah's father. He reached down and took the child out of his crib, and Robert made a move to stop him. Toby immediately stopped crying and looked up at Jareth with innocent eyes.

"Don't you--"

"What? Take the baby that you wanted gone because of his cries?" Jareth challenged, sneering at him. Robert took a step back.

"You're not real. You can't be. I... I went to the bar, and now I'm hallucinating."

Robert repeated over and over, and Jareth clicked his tongue.

"I enjoy your attempts to reassure yourself. It's quite comical, actually. However, your minor form of alcohol will not make me any less real than I already am."

"Get the hell away from my son!"

"Just minutes ago, you were shouting at your wife because you believed he was a... how did you put it?" Jareth stepped forward so quickly that Robert's mind couldn't react. He fell down and cut himself on broken shards of the window. Brian whimpered and passed out, following Irene's example.

"So little Toby here is a result of a 'tryst', hmm? Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I took him."

"You took Sarah, didn't you? Fucking bastard! I loved her when she was with me, and now she's wherever the hell you are! What, are you raping a fifteen-year-old girl?"

Lighting flashed outside, and the thunder was deafening. Toby resumed his wailing, and Jareth nested him in his shirt.

"She is no mere girl anymore. Her time with me has allowed her to mature."

"Who fucking cares how old she was-- is-- whatever! You're sick and twisted!"

"Speak for yourself... daddy." Both men turned to see Sarah, dressed in thorny black, glaring at her father with pure fury.

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