I Can Be Cruel

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Who's excited for the... oh, I don't know... THE UPCOMING LABYRINTH SEQUEL!?! I honestly almost died when I found out!
The dark-haired girl looked around for her friend as the Goblin King whisked her away. From what she could tell, he'd left her alone. Sarah recognized the stone entrance to the twisted maze. A familiar figure hobbled around the front.

"Hoggle!" She cried in joy, rushing at the dwarf. He gave her an uncertain smile.

"Sarah? Yer here?" He asked confusedly, yet didn't push away the hug she threw around him.

"I'm here, Hoggle."

"But you saved yer brother, right?" Sarah shuddered.

"I... I guess I did." Tears welled up in her green eyes.

"Then why are you still here? Did the ra- Jareth- trick you?" His features hardened into a frown. Sarah felt a compulsion to tell him everything.

"I didn't get to Toby in time, and the Goblin King was going to take him away. I realized how much I loved him- my brother, that is." The young girl added hastily, noticing the shock on Hoggle's wrinkled face.

"But that don't 'splain why yer still in the Labyrinth."

"I told the King to take me instead." She spat. Hoggle looked at her sympathetically.

"I'll try to make it so he can't hurt you." He whispered.


Jareth could hear their conversation. Does she really think that lowly of me? He sighed miserably. I played the villain for her. That's what she wanted. I've done everything...

He brought the beautiful young lady to see her other friends before returning her to the castle. He'd charmed the dwarf, he couldn't say anything about the oubliette. Whatever the fox-thing is, it takes its duty seriously. I told it that no true knight talks about his failure. He won't tell her anytime soon that I stranded them alone. The beast? He can't even say "Sarah" without stuttering.

Though Sarah was right by his side as he escorted her to the chambers, he'd never felt more alone.


When the Goblin King left Sarah's room earlier that day, she'd made a plan of her own. She decided to wait and see what his next move was, and pretend to go along with it. She wanted to see exactly how his mind worked.

Flutzy had sprang off the bed the moment she opened the door. Searching for the Goblin King wasn't her idea of fun, but she had to earn his trust. I might be able to live out in the forest or something if he slips up. Why did he take me instead of Toby? The thought prodded at Sarah's consciousness. Doesn't he just want more goblins? That's what the book said about them.

"Goblin King, where are you?" Sarah aimlessly wandered around the castle hallways for a while, trying to figure out which one was his. A voice echoed lightly from a room to her right, and she looked around. It sounded like the Goblin King. Sarah took a deep breath. She didn't want to face him, but...

His back was turned while he sat in an oaken chair, and he failed to see the curious girl.

"She made a fool of me." He spat, leaning over his desk. "And to think of the power... oh, she cannot see..."

"Why can't I see what?" The tall fae jumped, startled. He whirled around on her, angry she'd interrupted him. How long has she been listening to me? Did she hear me saying I loved her? My plans for her? A separate part of him wondered.

Something in his mismatched eyes sparked, so different from his previous amiable approach. Sarah backed away, and the Goblin King continued to advance on her.

"You foolish wench, what do you want? Eavesdropping on the king... spying? Or just looking to destroy what is left of me?" He hissed through gritted teeth. She seemed taken aback by his sudden fury. Sarah had completely forgotten what she wanted to do. There was fire in his eyes.

"N-nothing, Goblin King." She stammered, backing away further. He followed her steps, never blinking. Sarah could feel his gaze boring into her skull.

"Nothing?" He said scornfully. With that he turned away quickly. His black cape fluttered with the sudden movement. "Nothing? Nothing? Nothing, tra-la-la?" While the words themselves were not intimidating in the slightest, his tone sent shivers down Sarah's back. It was like ice, like shattering glass, like nails against a chalkboard. It had a chill to it, one that seemed so much more threatening.

She regained her composure and stood up fully. He was still facing away from her.

"Goblin King, I have-"

"More requests?? More wishes? What have you done to deserve them?!?" His wild hair whipped at his face as he spun around. Sarah was startled.


"Say 'Goblin King' one more time, Sarah." It wasn't an order, it was a warning. Sarah sank to the ground. Her dark hair spread over her shoulders, and her oppressor showed no compassion.


The girl who defied him was cowering before him. He had to admit he was a little disappointed with how quickly she gave in.

He wanted a chase. But he still had to admit, it was tempting. It amazed him how quickly he'd been able to turn on her. She mocks me with her mere presence! What has she to be proud of?

"From this moment on, Sarah..." Jareth could feel her discomfort as he said her name again. "You will refer to me formally. I don't wish to be addressed in that vulgar manner. Understood?"

Sarah wobbled to her feet. It seemed that she'd regained her spirit in a few seconds.

"Of course. I'll be sure to use your proper title from now on. Good day, goblin rat." She turned away, but didn't even take a single step forwards when something smashed into her face.

She'd dared...


"W... what have you done that's kind?" She spat back at him, cradling her cheek where he'd struck. He'd materialized out of nowhere.

"Everything!" Jareth took another swing, knocking the helpless girl to the ground. It gave him a strange pleasure, to have this dominance over the woman who only moments before owned his heart. "You ASKED the child be taken- and I took him. You WANTED the villain, and I became him. I have reordered time, I have turned the world upside-down, and I have done it all for YOU!" She made a move to get away from his anger, which was a mistake.

He kicked her forcefully in the side, and her squeak of pain once again gave him a rush. "You cannot take what I have done for you for granted, pet." He hissed. Snapping his fingers, a fat goblin rushed to his side.

"Uh... yes?" It muttered timidly, not daring to meet the livid man's burning gaze.

"This girl needs a lesson. From now on, Sarah, you are a mere servant in this castle. You are to do whatever I tell you, and if you fail to do so, if you fight me, then you shall receive a far worse punishment." Sarah looked up weakly. It was her fight that caused her downfall.

"There is no punishment... greater than staying here." With one blow, the girl fell unconscious, her skin bleeding from the utter power behind Jareth's strike.

"Take her to the servant's wing." He brusquely ordered the goblin, and it tried to drag her on the stone floor. Useless creatures! He picked up the ugly thing and threw it. He carried her limp form there himself.

Her body was tossed on the cot carelessly, and her head hit the wall with a dull crack. Jareth was about to leave when he took a final look. Her battered, broken state was his fault... A pang hit him, and he shoved it aside. It's not my fault. She deserves what she's gotten. I have been generous, but I can be cruel...

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