Get Out Again

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If you haven't read Return to Labyrinth, then you know this- Sarah reveals that she'd always had a crush on Jareth. Of course, we all knew that she did, but I'm making sure you know. Not that it's relevant to the plot...


"Gods..." Jareth muttered, putting his head in his hands. "What did I do to her?" He recalled the blood on Sarah's face, and his heart sunk. "I did that..."

He couldn't forgive himself. Reordering time was out of the question. The Labyrinth was already in a state of disarray. "God damn it all! Damn you, Sarah... and damn me, too." The wild-haired fae man shook his head. "You pushed me, and I lashed out."

She deserved it, a voice said in his head. She defied you, invaded your private chambers!

"She did, didn't she?" Jareth murmured unconvincingly.

That's right. She doesn't deserve your love!

Despite all the voices, Jareth couldn't forget that little spark in Sarah's eyes, a spark that spoke of fire. He conjured a crystal and gazed into its shimmering surface. Sarah, still dressed in the puffy shirt she'd arrived in, slept on a pile of hay. Jareth winced. I'm sorry, precious... Yet pride kept him from helping her.

He noticed a goblin walking outside his door. "Brush!" He called. The goblin paused, but didn't correct Jareth. Of course, his name is Bursht. Do I care? Not in the slightest.


"Fetch the new slave girl. I'd like to share words with her."


Sarah was brought to the Goblin King, bruises evident on her face. Jareth pretended to be oblivious to the pain he'd caused her.

"Sarah," Jareth began. He loved how the name rolled off his tongue. "I require your services."

"Why me?" Sarah objected, crossing her arms. She seemed to be handling her left arm especially carefully.

"Because I said so." Jareth growled impatiently. Sarah, as obstinate as ever, flashed a mocking smile.

"I remember the words," she said triumphantly. "You have no-"

"You little witch!" Jareth stood abruptly, and Sarah flinched away. Immediately, he felt a rush of shame. I did this... "Sarah, I did not call you here to discuss things that could have been. Poor, sweet Sarah." He hardened his heart as he drew closer to the girl. Jareth forced his feelings down as he studied her. "A moment too late... If only you remembered...

"And I can assure you, little one," he sneered. "Your precious words have no power over me."


Sarah was taken aback. What did you expect? She scolded herself. Him to just... fall for you? He's not the Jareth in your storybook. Her bruises ached.


Jareth's anger burned through his veins. Not at the beautiful young woman that stood before him, but at himself. What did you expect, her to just... fall for you? This isn't like a storybook. Jareth's heart ached. Your eyes can be so cruel, Sarah, and you don't know how much power you have over me.

The fae turned around and looked out the window. He sighed and put his head down.

"Sarah, I have come to a decision," he began, but Sarah cut him off.

"What, Almighty Goblin King? What menial task would you have me do?" She spat. Fury overtook him, and he spun around.

"You'd do well to listen, Sarah!" She flinched away, and Jareth felt... guilty. Shame is new for me... He shook off the cobwebs of doubt. "Girl, you can't expect to be treated like a queen." Even if I so wish to...

"I'm not!" She replied hotly.

"Sarah!" He pulled at his hair, exasperated. Jareth's heart screamed for her comfort. I've spent centuries waiting for you! It said. Why do you do this?

Sarah seemed to sense his agitation and toned her voice down. "It isn't that I don't appreciate what you've done for me, but..."

"You want to go back." Jareth muttered, and Sarah nodded immediately. He breathed anxiously. No hesitation? You wish to go back to your alcoholic stepfather and abusive stepmother who don't give a goblin's hair about you? He didn't dare say it aloud. "You're stuck here, Sarah." He said instead. "I have an offer, as I stated before." His voice was soft, and he created a crystal. "I'll allow you liberties to travel, as long as I accompany you."

"Goblin King-"

"Sarah." His eyes flashed, the only sign of his disapproval. "I'd appreciate it if you would address me properly."

"What am I supposed to call you?" She threw up her hands in exasperation.

"Never mind, Sarah. Just leave it." He gritted his teeth.

"Okay, Never Mind." She raised an eyebrow in amusement. Jareth didn't crack a smile, but found it quite amusing.

"Would you like to eat?" He asked politely, and Sarah shook her head. He could still feel the hunger pangs in her stomach. Did she not eat enough? I told those fools to get her a substantial meal!

"Did the goblins feed you?" He sat down lazily, twirling a crystal around on his fingertip.

"I didn't want anything."

"Do eat." He gestured towards another table. Food appeared out of thin air, and Sarah gasped. Jareth smiled when her back was turned. The smallest bit of magic created such pleasure for her.

"I don't need anything..." Yet she edged towards the table.

"If you finish that, then I will take you out in the gardens today," he promised. "Hopefully, you will see the more beautiful parts of the Labyrinth."



Part of this was written by @AloraGreenleaf! Well, she gave me some lines in school. O3O Still counts, right?

I am so disappointed in the Jim Henson company... they lied. THOSE BASTARDS! AUGH! *sobs* There's no sequel, they said. "It's just one of those big names that float around at meetings." They said.


*Me* Meh, I'm an artist.

*Other people* No, you're f**king insane!

*Me* Same difference.

Well, a lot of eager fans online are making a big protest. Do they realize how much money they'd make? I'd pay fifty bucks for a ticket! SARETH SHIPPING! COME, LET US BE BROTHERS HENCEFORTH, AND FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT AS ONE! *brandishes sword* CHAAARRGE! *JHC* ._. We better make that sequel. *me* DAMN RIGHT, YOU BETTER!

Sorry, I am really, really hyper. Imma be JARETH FOR HALLOWEEN AGAIN!! Think he'll come visit me? :P This time I'm taking my baby brother. Heh heh...

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