Makes No Sense

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Jareth is the only man allowed to sparkle. End of story. This is not in the 80's, by the way, it's modern day.


"The Labyrinth isn't all that bad, Sarah. I wish you would listen," Jareth muttered. The young girl had distanced herself as much as possible from the Goblin King. The light walk through the Labyrinth hedges had turned dark quickly after Sarah made a remark.

"Where's the exit?" Sarah queried, looking around. Jareth's mood soured.

"Sarah, even if I wanted to show you, you'd never get out again."

"That's your opinion," she said under her breath. Well, it's a lot better than yours, running away to a poor household, he thought. The sky rumbled overhead in response to his frustration.

"Let's return. It's going to rain."

"No, really? Wow, the almighty Goblin King just predicted the future!" She said sarcastically. Jareth growled.

"You would do well not to cross me, Sarah."

"A few cuts aren't going to stop me," the dark haired girl shot a sharp glance at the fae. Again, he felt shame.

"I will strand you out here with no food, water, shelter, or weapons. Let's see you be so clever then!" Jareth snarled, and the thunder rolled.

"You wouldn't dare." Sarah challenged, putting her hands on her hips. Just because you act like a queen doesn't make me so eager to give you that position. His thoughts clashed. But she'll have to be queen, or the Labyrinth will destroy itself! That annoying voice pricked at his mind again. I make my own decisions! He stated firmly, pushing them out of his head.

"Goblin King!" Sarah yelped, breaking him out of his trance. "It's pouring!" Just at that moment, he noticed the rain pelting down. Sarah was soaked.

"Then let's get out of the rain." He muttered darkly. Sarah covered her head with her arms, though it didn't do much. Her sleeves were already saturated, making the water drip down her face.

"If that's all the help you're going to be, then you can just leave." Sarah snorted.

"Okay." Jareth faded away, giving his companion a smug smile before he left.

"Now, let's see what she has to say now." He grinned, looking out his window. Sarah sat underneath a tree, refusing to ask him for help. I'd do anything she asked, but the foolish girl doesn't even realize it! I am bound to obey, and- gah! How can such a bright girl be so stupid?


Sarah sighed, taking refuge under an old oak tree to wait out the storm. I'd rather catch my death of cold than beg the Goblin King! But do I really believe that?

A plot formed in Sarah's mind as she recalled one of the first lines of her faded red book.

But what no one knew... was that the king of the goblins... Sarah grinned wickedly. I'll play him for a fool. It doesn't seem too hard. It'll be a piece of cake. Opening her mouth, she began her devious plan to escape Jareth's clutches.

"Goblin King!" She shouted, knowing he could hear her. "Get over here right now!" With a flash of glitter- always glitter- he reappeared before the girl.

"Well well, Sarah. Need help?" He laughed wickedly, though he had to stifle a bit of guilt.

"Get me out." She murmured grudgingly, and Jareth held out a hand. Sarah stared at it blankly.

"Well?" He raised his eyebrows in amusement. She grabbed his hand, reluctant to have him even come into contact with her. His gloves remained on. After he helped her up, they both were transported into the castle.

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