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"Really, Sarah?"

"What did I do wrong?"

"You destroyed my throne room!"

"From what I understand, the goblins had already made quite a mess of it when I got here!"

"That's no excuse." Jareth smashed his hand down on his desk. "Dammit!" Who exactly am I cursing? My anger never got this out of hand. Am I cursing her or myself?

"What am I doing wrong? Is it wrong of me to try and find joy out of being here?" She put her hands on her hips childishly.

"No, there isn't, as long as it isn't destructive!" Jareth answered angrily. He noticed the bruises were nearly gone, and he breathed a sigh of relief inwardly. Those healing fruits have done their job well, he decided.

"Sarah, please. Don't make this difficult on yourself."

"What, am I bothering you? Does my very mortal presence offend you?" Ah, Sarah... a temper that could leave scars...

"Sarah, you would do well to remember who you speak to." Jareth retorted sharply.

"Goblin King, I just wish you would-" he knew she was about to make a foolish wish. He felt the danger of what she was about to ask.

"Sarah!" He boomed, and she shrank back in surprise. "I will have you in here no longer. Make yourself useful," he rumbled. "Do anything, just stay out of my way." He winced inwardly at his own harsh words.

"Can I have my books?" Sarah tipped her head hopefully. Jareth sat in his desk and ruffled through papers.


"I'm prone to do something you don't like if I don't keep myself busy," she reasoned. "And there are some other thins I'd like brought here."

"You only just thought of these things." Jareth said dryly. It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"It's only been a few days..."

"It's been a month."

"But I was counting the days!"

"Sarah, time moves differently," he reminded her, trying to keep the false anger in his voice. "Good afternoon."


"I'll deal with your petty mortal concerns later! I'm very busy!" Sarah widened her eyes and fled. Wincing, Jareth turned his eyes to his paperwork. He noticed a thick envelope underneath several sheets. "God dammit!" He hissed and ripped open the letter.


I'd like to request permission to visit your kingdom. A continuing skirmish on the Shadowland's borders grows more serious between us and the Havens. Damn elves won't leave us alone. My warriors are nervous, and I know you share these concerns.

Your father grows angry, uncle. He is upset you have not found a bride, as he must abdicate on the fourth moon. I have no will to take the throne, I'm finding the minor battles a struggle. Please consider my request. If you agree, I will bring my advisor Herkon and Lady Anisse. Respond quickly, the elves grow in strength.

With Utmost Regards,


"My ridiculous nephew never could keep his borders clear of danger." Jareth muttered to himself. The fourth turn of autumn was only two months away. Malefek had no desire to rule, and the Labyrinth would be too clever to allow its Champion, however deluded, to stay against her will. What to do?

Exactly what you always do. You have to trick her. That voice spoke again. Jareth picked up his quill and penned a quick response-


I understand your misgivings about ruling the Underground. I am preparing a bride soon, but if something goes wrong, I am afraid you will have to take the role of High King temporarily.

Do come to the Goblin City. It seems we do have quite a bit to discuss. Leave your army at the borders, bring only two of your advisors.



He sent it away with a magic blast and waited for the reply. He did not have to wait long. A yellowed parchment appeared on top of his other papers. Prince Malefek had omitted the salutations.

Thank you, uncle. I do hope I am not imposing on anything. I'll be there in a week at most.



Jareth sighed. My flighty nephew is nervous about everything, but it would do Sarah well to meet some other fae royalty. Of course, I would have to train her on how to act around people were I to introduce the two. Jareth shook his head and cracked his back. It felt like the middle of the night, but was only five in the afternoon.

I'm done for today. I'll get the paperwork done later. He decided. Jareth stood up and walked out, abandoning the papers.


"So... bored..." Sarah paced around her room, groaning constantly.

"Sarah." The dark-haired girl yelped as Jareth materialized when she turned around.

"God dammit! Do you want me to have a heart attack?"

"Sarah, I am not here for games," he told her sternly, looking her in the eye. "My nephew, the Prince Malefek of the Shadowlands is coming for a visit. We have a possible war with the eastern elves on our hands."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You will be introduced to him, as a newer member of the castle," he answered carefully.

"You said of the- the Shadowlands?" She sat on a plush chair, fingering the tassles on the end.

"He's not evil, despite what he rules." Jareth said firmly, and Sarah did not reply. "He inherited the role of Shadows from his father- my brother. They are not dark. Our true enemies are the elves." Sarah breathed a sigh of relief. "I would not put you in danger."


"I would not put anyone in danger." He amended, strutting out of the room before she could see his face. "I shall see you tomorrow. There is business I must attend to."

Sarah felt a rise of sudden, unknown emotion. He'd said keep you safe. Didn't he? She pushed down the unfamiliar feeling. I need to focus on escaping. He's hurt me so many times, one kind word is nothing!

But still... maybe he is the Jareth in my storybook. Is he? She retired to her bed. A nap will do me good. A nap, yes...


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