Shadows of a Dream

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"We have to find Sarah!" Jareth paced back and forth in his study.

"You cannot risk your life for a mortal."

"She is no mere mortal, father," the Goblin King curled his lip. "She is--"

"Jareth, you know that your duty is to your people. A female-- a human, no less-- is no reason to abandon your kingdom."

"I wasn't planning on abandoning my kingdom, I was going to ask you if you could find her!"

"Jareth, this is not my problem. She has no place in the Underground. Why you brought her here is beyond my comprehension." Jareth was too angry to finish the conversation and threw the fragile glass orb out the window. It shattered on the street.

He let out a roar so loud that it shook the ground. The bricks of the Labyrinth began to crumble down. A gaping hole opened up in the earth, and black clouds rolled in.


"Looks like someone's angry," The male commented, looking through the window. In the distance, he saw dark storm clouds cover the Labyrinth. "Perfect."

"Sire, what would you--"

"Whelp!" The man swung around and struck the speaker. It was a blonde-haired girl. Djylla, he remembered dimly.

"I- I'm sorry!" Her words earned her a sharp jab in the side.

"What do you want?"

"It's-- the girl--"

"What of her?" His voice was deadly calm.

"She... she's changing." The young girl shook with fear. The captor paused, running through possible scenarios in his mind. Only one seemed plausible.

"Oh, you clever Jareth..." He snarled. "So, that's what you've done?" He stomped off to the dungeon, where Sarah remained clasped in irons. He surveyed the woman. She looked like a woman now, nothing at all like the child he'd watched.

"Sarah." She did not respond. "Sarah!" She heard nothing. She shifted, a sign that she was in a restless sleep. He wondered what she dreamed of, that she should ignore him.



I wandered through a dark forest, unsure of anything. Was that a shadow, or just a trick of the mind? I kept moving forward, as if my life depended on it. All I could think of was how I had to escape from this atmosphere. Wherever I was, I knew that it was somewhere that I should not have been.

It seemed like eyes watched me, from every corner. There was something I needed to do, but there was no way I could tell. Weights dragged at my arms, and my legs were heavier than stone. Still, I knew I had to keep going. Something I had to find...



The man snarled and left Sarah alone. The one thought that gave him comfort was his own vision of the future.

Crowds shouted out his name, and he was clad in rich velvet. Servants stood beside him, ready to serve him at the single utter of a word. A feast was laid out in his honor, and his queen was at his side.

Those green eyes that he'd constantly seen as a child, that long brown hair... it was his now, and would be his forever.

He would be High King, once those two fools were dead. The one they thought he served was a coward. He would be nothing. He had no queen, no heirs... and as the next in line, he would take place as the true king...

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