Chapter Three (Re-Edited)

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I awoke in the unfamiliar bedroom once more, with Edmond is nowhere to be seen.

And from what I could tell, the pain in my body felt as though it seemed to be all but gone, at least while I remained in bed. All that remained was the dull, almost numbing ache to the nape of my neck. Slowly, with each twist and turn of my head, I made the muscles and nerves scream from it but continued to do so to become used to it. My left hand reaching up to my throat, my fingers running along the skin until I felt two distinct indentations close to the artery and nape of my neck.

It wasn't a dream... I thought with the vagueness' of disappear and guilt as my hand fell limply to the bed once more. I tilt my head up towards the bedroom ceiling that was not my room and let out an even breath. Wishing it was merely a dream any further would do nothing for me. I had to face the reality of the situation, but I still needed to know for myself.

In the bits and pieces of conversation that I could catch from my dozing of sleep, I learned that Edmond's home was rather large, but for reasons I could not fully understand, something regarding a meeting of some friend. I could recall that before Edmond telling about holding many kinds of the like in his home, I only assumed it would be up to four or even six people since I had never seen his house before. Yet with the size of this bedroom alone made me realize it was probably more than that. Perhaps thirty to even fifty or so. With his job at the bank and his high position, living in such a place would not be too far of a stretch when comparing my own home life and my father and brother.

I was not too fond of it here. This place made me feel out of sorts. I wanted to go home to my mother. But the marks on my neck indicated the reality of the situation then I knew it would be impossible to see my mother alive ever again.

I had hoped that it was not real. I wished that none of it was real.

The numbness of reality slowly began to burrow deep into my brain, making me realize that what I had witnessed and neither what had happened to me in the process. I was confused, at a loss for words in how to even comprehend it all. My mind in a fog, searching for answers that seemed almost impossible to grasp. I closed my eyes, trying to recall the pieces of my memory from that event. Edmond had killed me, that much was certain, yet the reason for that was not apparent; he seemed to be struggling with something, something within himself before taking my life.

I died. I was sure of that. And yet, here I was. In an unfamiliar bed, in unfamiliar clothing, looking down at my hands that held no injury, my fingers that moved faintly. I still had control, was I truly dead, or had I gone mad?

Touching my skin, I could feel no discernible difference, I was breathing yet had a faint pulse, heart beating a bit too slow to my liking, but it was still there. I was alive, or what felt like being alive, and yet somehow different as well.

Removing the covers from my body, I went to stand only to learn that my legs were shaking almost uncontrollably. So much so that I had crumpled to the floor beneath me when I tried. The pain returning once more as I grit my teeth to bear it. My full intentions were to leave before Edmond returned, leave so that I could return home.

But I realized in my current condition; it would be much more challenging to do so.

By just trying to stand on my own two feet with no aid to assist, I had collapsed to the ground. It was as if my body was now trying to become accustomed to everything around me. As though it were all new to me. As though I were trying to live once more. Something inside of me had changed drastically. Something that did not feel natural.

What's more, my throat felt parched, like I had no water for days on end, my jaw ached incredibly. It even hurt to breathe from my mouth, so I switched to breathing from my nose instead, hoping the pain would lessen that seemed to be coming from my teeth. After a moment, I tried again, pushing myself up off the floor, and used the bedside table for support, along with any other object that could keep me steady as I tried to remain standing.

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