Author's Note

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Hello beautiful creatures!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Hello beautiful creatures!

If you're a new reader than welcome to this book and I hope you like it.

If you're not a new reader, sorry for tricking you again into thinking this was another update.

I would just like to say that this is changing from and XOc to an XReader. For those who don't know, the main character was my Oc named Tara but, as I just said, decided to change it.

Now when ever you see (y/n) you can insert your name into the story.

Although, for the sake of the plot I'm controlling how the reader looks. So don't expect to be able to insert your hair color, hair length, skin color, and especially eye color. And to be clear, the reader looks like the girl on the cover.

I'm sorry to all of those who liked to use Tara but I thought it would be more enjoyable for all of the readers out there. And if you want, you can just insert Tara into the text just as you would do as your name or any other name you may use.

But don't worry! That is the only thing that changes! The story and plot is complete the same so you don't have to reread anything, unless you want too.

Okay that is all!

I hope you enjoy this book!


Behind Your Eyes {KurapikaXReader AU}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora