9| Dreams

527 37 27

Your POV

I followed Leah out of the bathroom and saw Kurapika waiting for us just like she said. I looked at my feet; I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye. He was probably furious with me. As I approached, I apologized.

"Kurapika, I'm sorry for acting so stupid. I was just scared-"

My words were cut off by his embrace. My eyes widened in shock as I felt a spark ignite at his touch. I felt the world as I knew it shattered into millions of pieces, only to show me that I was dreaming the whole time.

He said, "I want to be friends with you too," and it felt like time stopped.

"You... Aren't mad at me?" I said in a small voice no bigger than a mouse, the loudest voice I could muster.

"Of course I'm mad."  He answered. He pulled away from our If he was mad, why didn't he just scream at me. Why didn't he do anything? Why did he just stare at me? The pain in his eyes was much worse than any other scolding he could have given me. 

"I'm sorry."

"I'm mad because you actually believed Ashley. I'm mad because you thought I was just near you out of pity. I'm mad because you questioned our entire friendship. I'm mad because I was here the entire time and yet you didn't say a word to me about it. You shut me out. Of course I'm mad."

I stood there quietly. What was I supposed to say?

"Next time,  I want you to tell me." He continued, "I want you to spill all of your problems to me so then we can figure shit out together. You don't have to do this alone."

The tears threatened to spill one again but I refused. I held my breath as I felt his embrace one more time. The spark returned but this time, after my world shattered, I saw it built again. It was like waking up to a world that seemed even more so like a dream.

"Thanks" was all I could say.


We ate our lunches on the roof. Silence was the only way to describe the atmosphere. At first at least... But leave it to Leah to break the ice. 

"Kurapika, what are you having for lunch today?" Leah asked so easily. I could almost envy her  for being able to talk so freely where as I would clam up when asked some as simple as "How are you?" But the key word is almost, for that was the exact reason we were the best of friends. I needed her. She looked out for me and I could only try to give her the exact same care  in return.

"Oh just a sandwich I bought from the cafeteria," He responded while taking a bite.

"Isn't that the same thing you got yesterday?"

He nodded, "I thought about packing lunch from home today but Mom rushed me out the door," he said with a grin, he made sure to exaggerate the "Mom."

I blushed and tried to put on a teasing smirk. "Yeah right, Kurapika, you're such a liar. There is nothing in that fridge for you to pack," then I added, "And if it wasn't for me, you would need a lot more than a sandwich to fill you up."

Their expressions lightened at my words.  Seeing their faces made me smile.

Kurapika raised an eyebrow at me."That reminds me, are we still gonna go shopping after school?" 

I almost laughed. It seems like I said that so long ago when it was really only this morning. It made me realized that I only knew Kurapika for two day now and yet it's like we've known each other for a while. But then again, I realized I didn't know a single thing about him.

Behind Your Eyes {KurapikaXReader AU}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora