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Today was my last day of class and also the day Rico and I presented our project, I was just finish talking and it was time for Rico. I hated speaking in front of classes but I guess I have to get over that.

"Goodjob Ms.Hudson and Mr.Santiago, I look forward to working with you two in the future." Our professor said as I smiled.

"Thank you sir." Rico said as we both walked out.

"I'm so excited!" I smiled.

"I'm surprise you even got up, you had me woke all night." Rico said.

"What? Lies, you wouldn't let me go to sleep." I laughed.

"What you doing today?" 

"Um I don't-"

"Simone Zariah Hudson bring your ass!" I heard Sammy yell from the parking lot and I squinted my eyes.

"Where are you here?" I walked closer.

"I'm in a car, I'm at your school. What else could I be doing here? I don't know nobody that go here motherfucker." 

"I really don't like you, Rico I'll text you okay?" 

"Aight Sim." 

"Simone!" Sammy called dramatically like he was dying and that caught some people attention.

"Is that Trill Sammy?" 

"Can I get your autograph bro?!" 

"I love you!" I laughed watching as he cut his eyes at me getting out the car.

"Alright, we have to go." I said since I was hot as hell.

"Are you his girlfriend?" Some girl asked scrunching her face, Sammy put his arm around me and I smiled.

"No, I'm not his girl." I said not removing his arm.

"So that mean you single?" Another one asked coming closer.

"And that's our cue, bye." I pulled him to the car as he laughed.

"You was lowkey jealous."

"I was highkey hot and wanted to get out the sun." I smiled turning on the AC.

"I mean it's okay, I'm-"

"Shut up." I cut him off.

"Shut up." He mocked me doing that Cardi B. face.

"You real ugly but where we going?"

"Your mother and sit back and watch."

"Your father." I looked at him.

"Your sister." 

"And I'm telling her so she could fuck you up."

"Chill Vae play too much."

"Yeah whatever punk ass."

"Okay hoe."


"Jump off."





"Alright you win, I don't have no more." I surrendered.

"Good you'll never win against Sammy anyway." He bragged smiling and beating on his chest.

"You ain't cute." I said turning on the radio and his song was playing and I got hyped, this was currently my fave by him and Dice so far.

"Why you cuffing on that bitch? I already had her. And why you hating on my dick? My pockets getting fatter. I'm on my way to the top, I think I need a ladder. I know I drink a lot of lean, I see it in my bladder." I rapped as I heard laughing.

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