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Chapter Sixteen

"I just don't know." Sydney shook her head eating her vanilla caramel gelato ice cream.

"Accurate." Vae mumbled.

We were watching Criminal Minds as always while eating ice cream and any other kind of junk. This was a everyday thing, all three of us been together since we got back last week.

"I knew he killed her!" I yelled smiling.

"You always guess the killer before it go off." Syd laughed.

"Sim what happened to Juvi?" Vae asked.

"I ain't tell y'all?" I laughed.

"Bitch spill." Sydney paused the t.v

"I Facetimed her right? We was talking for a minute until a girl came in her room. They talking so the girl like who you on the phone with, they start arguing and Juvi says I'm her sister."

"Bish whet?" Vae asked.

"Juvi had a whole girlfriend." I laughed. "They been together for 3 whole ass years."

"Wait did you play along?" Syd asked.

"No, I snitched. I would of been fine being her sideline if she would of been honest with me but since she lied, I told the truth."

"Sidelines winning." Syd smiled making us laugh.

"Yea indeed." I nodded.

"Why you ignoring your notifications?" Sydney asked grabbing my phone.

"Because it's notifications with people calling me ho's and whatnot." I laughed.

"Because of Bhris?" Vae asked.

"Yeah." I shrugged. "I don't care enough though."

"How you a ho?" Vae asked.

"Because I fuck with Bhris." I laughed.

"They could call you a homie hopper but not a ho, if they are then they don't the definition of a ho. Compared to me, you a saint bitch." Sydney chuckled.

"You and Bhris actually have a bond though, it's not like y'all just fucked and decided to be together." Vae added.

"Like I said I don't care, they think I'm all this just because Bhris and Sammy friends. I didn't chose Bhris, it just happened. Is it messy? Yes. Do I regret it? Not one bit." 

"You don't have to explain yourself to anyone, they not your friends or paying any of your bills. Fuck them." Syd said.

"I was never worried, imma do what I want and I don't care who likes it or not. Nobody can tell me what to do and that's that."

"Facts." Syd nodded as I pressed play to Criminal Minds.

"So are you and Bhris together?" Vae asked making me pause it again.

"No. Yes. Bitch I don't know." I shrugged.

"Bitch who do you love?" Sydney mocked YG making us laugh.

"Shut up and watch t.v."

I picked up my phone looking at all the comments laughing at most of them, these people be too worried about me. They could be making money right now instead.


"Wassup?" I looked up from my phone drinking my pink lemonade as she sat down across from me.

"Wasgood?" I asked eating my Chick-fil-A waffle fries.

"So wassup?" She asked again.

"I mean you called me here, I came so you tell me wassup?"

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