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I woke up in a daze with my head banging, I grabbed my head with regret of drinking too much liquor. I started to look around and squint my eyes in confusion, the hell was I in Sammy room for?

I sat up looking for my phone but I couldn't find it, I sighed getting in the shower trying to put the puzzle pieces together. How did I get to Sammy house? And where is Navaeh and Nailah?

After my shower I went to look for my stuff in his closet but remembered I packed it, I put on a pair of his favorite Polo boxers with his grey sweats and a black crop I once left here. 

I walked downstairs hearing PARTYNEXTDOOR x Come and See Me blasting throughout the whole house, I didn't see Sammy but I heard singing from the kitchen. He was in the kitchen cooking shirtless with his boxers on.

"I'll admit I'm sorry when I feel I'm truly sorry. Things change, people change and feelings change too, never thought the circumstances would of changed you." Sammy sung.

I rolled my eyes going into his cabinet getting the Advil then looking in the refrigerator for a bottle of water. Sammy turned around and I avoided eye contact sitting down at the island, he turned the music down and continued cooking.

"Goodmorning." I ignored him and continued drinking my water. "Well then."

I reached for his phone that was on the counter and unlocked it going to Vae contact, I called but she didn't answer same thing for Nai. I sighed calling Lew putting it on speaker.

"Bitch you need to get your girl back and stop crying to me, I feel like I'm cakin with you more than I do with these bitches. I love you bro but I'm not answering next time."

"Lew suck my dick." Sammy laughed.

"You get your dick sucked enough, you fucking cheater." 

"Hi fave." I jumped in laughing.

"This better be Simone and not one of these ugly bitches."

"Even if that wasn't you would of just got me caught up." Sammy smacked his teeth.

"Sammy you already sticking plus I think I snitched on you yesterday, a nigga was off the drugs." Lew laughed.

"You probably did bitch ass."

"Alright, I just told on myself acting like you gon beat my ass about it. Wassup though sis?"

"Nothing, what you doing?" I asked eating the plate of strawberries Sammy put in front of me.

"Nothing, just got to Virginia."

"Dang, I was calling to ask can you come get me."

"You know I would of came but call a uber."

"I don't know where my phone is." I sighed.

"Use Sammy phone then take his card, get your payback." Lew said as we both laughed.

"You on speaker pussy, you'll take that ass whooping for her."

"Currently ignoring you."

"I love you Lew, I'll text you when I find my phone."

"I love you too sis, Sammy I will not answer your call." He said before hanging up.

"Bitch ass." Sammy mumbled.

"Can you take me home?"

"You are home."

"I'll walk." I stood up.

"That's an hour walk." I sat back down sighing.

I wanted to leave but not that damn bad.

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