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"Where are you Vae? What hospital?" I asked standing up as fast as I could.

"We're at St. Joseph on the third floor."

"St. Joseph?" I turned to look at my mother and she nodded letting me know that's the hospital we were in. "I'll be there in 2 minutes."

"What happened?" Ma asked.

"She didn't give me no details, she said it was a bad accident. Mommy what if-"

"No Simone don't start playing the what if game, we're gonna go down there and pray."

"Okay." I nodded wiping my face putting on my sweats just as the doctor came on.

"I need you to take it easy and in two weeks come back for a checkup."

"Okay thank you Dr. Sloan."

"Just doing my job, have a nice day." He took the clipboard and walked behind us as we went to the elevator.

My nerves were shot as my palms were sweaty. I was nervous not wanting to hear anymore bad news, the elevator stopped on the third floor and my mom and I walked to the receptionist desk waiting for her to get off the phone.

"Girl yes, he was like he doesn't have to spend time with CJ cause he's a baby. These moments don't matter. . Right girl you know I had to-"

"Excuse me?" I asked trying to get her attention. She looked at me then held up her finger to her mouth telling me to shush.

"Did she just- I know she ain't. My daughter said excuse me, are you going to do your job or do I need to get a supervisor?"

"Is there a problem Ms. Hudson? Are you okay?" Dr. Sloan asked coming to us.

"I was notified my friends was in a accident and they were bought here on the third floor but I don't know where they are exactly."

"Most likely the waiting room, follow me. Would you?"

"Thank you." I smiled walking behind him.

I walked behind him as we turned corners and went down halls. He opened a door to the waiting room and I saw all of them.

"Do you see anyone you know?" Dr. Sloan asked.

"All of them here, thank you again. Should I hug you? I'm going to hug you." I told him before I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You're welcome again." He laughed after he released me. I nodded seeing that they was all looking at us.

"What happened?" I asked Vae seeing Nailah sitting on Stunna lap crying as he had a bandage on his face and a cast on two of his fingers.

"The boys were coming from a show when a truck smashed into the bus. Dice, Lew, and Stunna only suffered minor injured." Vae informed tears running down her face.

"S-so what about Sammy and Bhris?" I asked shakily playing with my fingers.

"The last time we got updated they both in surgery. They're the only ones who injuries are threatening, they don't think Bhris gon make it." She said leaning her head on me as I covered my mouth letting my tears fall.

"No." I whispered. "Not Bhris please."

"Is Sammy alright?" Mahogany asked coming in with Mary, Maya and Kayla.

"Why y'all here?" Dice asked.

"Sammy is my baby father Dice."

I blocked them out sitting on the floor, for some reason being on the floor was better for me. I pulled out my phone going through theshaderoom, I started tearing up seeing Sammy and Bhris laid on the ground unconscious as a fan recorded.

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