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A/N this is technically still discontinued because I'm still struggling but I promised one of my readers I would update 4 ha birthday and I keep promises.
So y'all wish her a happy birthday & a thank you cause I honestly wasn't going to update😴
Happy Birthday princessminah123 😝😍I hope your day was eventful🎉

Chapter twenty-five

"Can I get this?" I asked Dice as we walked through against all odds.

"For what? You have like two of those." He asked glancing up from his phone.

"No somebody stole it."

"Get it then."

"Wait no I want these shoes." I looked for my size.

"Just get both."

"No cause that's going to be over $500 and you know I hate taking money from you."

"What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine baby." He kissed my hand.

"What you do?" I eyed him.

"Wow, I can't even take my girlfriend without-"


"Alright, I was the one who stole ya hoodie. I made a mistake and tried to wash it for you but I guess I did something wrong."

"It's the thought that counts right?" I laughed.

"Exactly baby." He kissed my cheek.

"Hi Naveah and Dice." A girl smiled real hard making me laugh. 

"Wassup?" Dice asked smirking.

"I know you probably get this a lot but I am your biggest fan- well besides Navaeh of course." She smiled playing with hands.

"What you want to ask beautiful?" I laughed seeing she was a nervous mess.

"Can I get a picture? And a follow back cause I know you been seeing me comment on everything, you even liked my picture before." She sassed at Dice making both of us laugh.

"I'll do you better, I'll follow you on any social media, take a picture, shout you out and even throw in some backstage passes for tomorrow night show." Dice pulled out his phone as she screamed.

"So y'all I'm at the mall with my number one lady and I run into one of my biggest fans, you wanna introduce yourself to them?" He smiled for instagram as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"I'm Navada and I'm Dice biggest fan and also Navaeh's. I love them both, follow me @Navadafalls_" She smiled in the camera.

"Peace out." Dice laughed then put me in the camera making me cover my face.

"Thank you so much, I love you so much. Oh my God, I'm sorry for crying." She fanned her face.

"Who you here with?" I asked.

"I was just with my boyfriend so he can cop some shoes, I wasn't getting anything."

"You need another boyfriend if ya nigga just took you to the mall so you can look, did he even offer to buy you food?" Dice asked.

"No, I didn't even ask." She shrugged.

"That ain't ya nigga." Dice laughed. "You see something in here you like?"


"You see something you like or you wanna go to another store?"

"Oh no no no, I couldn't let you do that." She shook her head.

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