Special edition.

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Final chapter: Happily ever after.

"Can you chill?" Bhris asked as I squealed in excitement as the driver chuckled.

"I can't, I know you did something to make me smile and I know it's about to be fun and I just can't wait." I smiled still bouncing in my seat.

"Sim chill." 

"Alright I'm chill." I blew out a breath and then squealed again bouncing in the seat as he shook his head laughing. "Alright I promise, I'm cool now."

"Are you really?"

"Yes, I promise." I leaned on him smiling as he watched the videos he recorded of my hyper moment.

"I could ask you a question?" I asked looking at him.

"Go head babygirl."

"Why are you marrying me?"

"The real question is why didn't I marry you earlier?" He kissed my nose making me smile.

"The fact that you dead just ignored my question trying to be cute. You ain't slick." I smirked.

"Man listen." He laughed as the car stopped. I looked at him then started squealing in excitement again.

"Put this on." He handed me a blindfold as I felt myself getting more excited.

"Mysterious, we gon be agents or ninjas yeah I like ninjas better." I smiled chipping him with my hand.

"Sim what the hell you take? The hell up so excited for?"

"Well tomorrow I become someone's wife, I get to change my last name and I'm marrying my homie and best friend."

"Well, I mean I am pretty lit." He continued leading me making sure I didn't fall.

"Christopher do not let me fall."

"Watch ya fucking mouth."

"Bhris please don't let me fall."

"Have I ever let you down? Have you ever felt downsappointed?" He laughed as I felt him smacking his knee making me smack my teeth.

"No but you did make me fall in love." I joined him laughing.

"I ain't make you fall by yaself, we fell sha-gether."

"Right, and now you bout to sha-wife this thang." I smirked.

"Then get that thang sha-pregnant, so I could finally have my sha-daughter."

"But I want my sha-prince."

"Nah, ya prince gon have to sha-wait. I want my sha-princess so I ca spoil my baby."

"Nope, not pushing out no daughter." I shook my head.

"You saying it like you determine the birth."

"Shut up." I mumbled holding my hands out. "I feel like we been walking forever."

"We been stopped walking, you just been talking too much." He shrugged as I took off my blindfold.

I squinted my eyes and rubbed them letting them adjust to the light. Once adjusted I looked around at the amusement park type zoo, I screamed wrapping my legs around Bhris waist as he quickly caught me almost making me stumble as I continued squealing.

"You loud as hell in my ear." He laughed trying to make me get down but I wouldn't.

"How did you find a amusement park and a zoo?" I asked looking at him. "Forget that, I knew you loved me but this is-"

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