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Chapter eight

Nailah looked at us and I looked back at her. Bhris tapped my leg for me to get off of him so I leaned over allowing him to stand up.

"I know I asked a question, I'm not understanding why there isn't a answer to it."

"Who your child in here?" Bhris asked looking at her.

"I don't give a fuck, I'll smack the shit out of both of y'all. I'm talking to you and that bitch."

"If y'all gon start arguing. can y'all get out? Love and Basketball on." I told them clicking on the movie.

"No I won't bitch, just because we ain't cool don't mean-"

"Nailah you act like you caught us in here fucking. I was giving him a massage. Relax."

"From the front? Yeah okay." She laughed.

"Yeah because he turned around so we could talk, I was sitting on his stomach, not his dick print. Why are you tripping?"

"I'm tripping because my boyfriend in here getting massages and shit from bitches. Bitches like you that don't have boundaries."

"I'm not your boyfriend Nailah, stop what you doing." Bhris spoke up.

"Bitches like me?" I raised a eyebrow.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if you have a thing for my nigga."

"Do you want me to have a thing for your nigga? Cause I promise you after one night, he'll never think about you again." 

"Simone." Bhris said giving me an unreadible face.

"Simone my ass, get out my room. Both of y'all." I rolled my eyes focusing on the t.v blocking them out.

"I don't understand how I had this bitch back or how I considered her ass a friend, I see her true colors. This bitch really grimy."

"I'm grimy Nailah? Me? Simone? As in the person standing in front of you?" I asked pointing at myself standing up.

"Yes you bitch, I ain't wanna believe shit Mahogany and them said about you but now I really see the light."

"Can y'all chill? Nailah come on."

"Bitch was you my friend when you-" I stopped myself and smiled. "Bye Nailah, listen to your nigga and get out my room."

"Nah I don't wanna get out, you gon make me?" She asked raising a eyebrow.

"Shit we could sit here all day then. You wanna come shower with me too? And then later we can come back in the room, I'll allow you to keep ya socks on." I winked.

"You so damn pathetic and sad. You need to seriously grow up, you got the mind of a child."

"Because I am a child!" I laughed. "I'm 19, you're 22. At least I know what the fuck I want in life."

"Bitch please if it wasn't for Sammy ya makeup line wouldn't even be taking off like this."

They always said once you and a person on the outs their true colors start to show, if she feels this way now than she always felt that way.

"So you forgot who my family is? My aunt Kailani is a make up artist who used my makeup on her clients and that's how my makeup line got out there. Sammy didn't help me and I never asked Sammy for help. I had my car, clothes, shoes, this house before I even met Sammy."

"Alright, y'all arguing for nothing." 

"So before you try to say anything make sure yo shit clean. I'm 19 years old having the life of a successful person and I'm just getting started, what you doing?" 

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