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Walking into my favorite class always puts a smile on my face. When I finally got out the building it was a crowd there and I rolled my eyes already knowing who was there.

I put in my headphones turning the volume all the way up blocking the screams and people. I was now nearing the field when a arm went across my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes for the billionth time but smiled once I noticed who it was. I took out my headphones and smiled hugging him.

"Damn wifey gon ignore me like I'm that skinny lanky ass motherfucker?"

"I'm sorry. When did you get down?"

"About an hour ago, y'know Houston bitches ain't that bad looking?" He said looking at Sydney.

"Dex I suppose to be wifey." I playfully pouted.

"This a open relationship." He laughed.

"Hey Sydney." I smiled hugging her.

"Wassup?" She said dryly making me scrunch my face up, she's always cheery.

"What's wrong?"

"One of these dirty ass niggas stole money out my wallet." She rolled her eyes.

"How much?"

"Around $130. I know it ain't a lot but it's the principle, I'm so friendly all they had to do was say they needed it."

"Here ma." Dex handed her two hundred bills.

"Oh shit you Famous Dex, can I get a picture?" She instantly smiled.

"Of course." Syd handed me her phone and I took numerous of pictures.

"Thank you but I can't take your money." She held it out and I snatched it.

"Shit I'll take it, you tripping." I said putting it in my wallet.

"Wifey, you a true black girl." Dex laughed.

"Nah I be needing pocket change and y'all just be carrying around money like it's nothing." I shook my head.

"I dea' a nigga to try me." Dex said making me laugh.

"Sydney you coming home with me?" I asked.

"Yeah lemme run to my dorm and I'll meet you at your car in 5." She already started walking off.

"Put me on." Dex said still looking.

"It won't be hard." I laughed.

"She a eater?"

"I don't know but she open with her shit, her sex adventures would make you horny and disgusted at the same time."

"Simone!" Quavo called running to me.

"Who this Hurricane Chris looking fucker?"

"Dex stop." I tried to hold my laugh in as Quavo got closer.

"Wassup?" Quavo asked about to hug me but Dex put his arm around me instead.

"Hey Quavolicious." I smirked.

"What you on?"

"Imma just go chill with Sydney maybe Dex, if he coming."

"I'm in there like swimwear wifey."

"Aight, I'll catch up with you later. See you Sim." He kissed me on my cheek and ran back to the field.

"Disrespectful ass little nigga gon kiss you in front of my face then don't even speak." Dex said still looking at him.

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