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Chapter seventeen

"Can we talk?" I asked Bhris as he woke up.

"Damn can brush my teeth? Go wash my ass? Wash my face? Change my clothes? Eat-"

"You OD'ing my nigga." I laughed.

"Dead ass though, can I?"

"Fine." I rolled my eyes getting off of him.

I walked downstairs seeing Dice and Vae hugged up on the couch watching Addiction. I smiled watching them, they were so cute it amazes me.

I went to go get a citrus green tea then walked up the stairs going up the stairs to see her on FaceTime with her brother. I smiled laying next to her.

"Who that?" He asked and she put the camera on my face. "Oh wassup Sim?"

"Hey Farro." I smiled.

"You good though baby sis? I gotta get back on the block."

"Yes, love you." Sydney smiled.

"I love you more, ya money gon be sent by tomorrow."


"Bye daddy." I smiled making him laugh.

"Shout out, bye Sim."

"You better stop playing, his girl could fight." Sydney said making me laugh.

"I been beat up before, that ain't never stop me." I smiled and we both laughed.

"Why you in here?"

"Because I'm getting my thoughts together."

"You still don't talk to him?"

"Do it when he get out the shower."

"Better not bitch out."

"Neveerr." I stated watching her phone ring seeing it was Rico. I smiled answering the FaceTime call.

"Hi handsome ugly baby brother." I smiled.

"Wassup beautiful ugly little sister." He smiled.

"What you doing? Why it's so much movement?" Sydney asked.

"Planning for that party, y'all coming tomorrow right?"

"You know I ain't missing no opportunity to drink and shake my ass." Sydney smiled making me laugh.

"Yeah alright, keep-"

"I love you brova, I'll see you tomorrow." I got up since they were about to argue.

"Love you too. Now Sydney you always showing off, fuck-"

"Ain't nobody showing-"

I closed her door laughing, they were always arguing it never fails yo. I checked my phone going to my notifications seeing Lew tagged me in a video when I was high as hell smashing some chicken alfredo. I laughed and commented.

I walked in the bathroom letting the steam out, I looked on the wall clicking on YouTube music letting the first song play which happened to be Tory Lanez x Controlla.

"No one gyal can satisfy me, mi need more fuel for the line green. Mi nuh know one gyal can deny me, mi know seh mi chain shiny but why pree." Bhris sung loudly making me laugh.

"You sound bad."

"You know I sound good." He peeked his head out then went back in.

I shook my head putting my hair in a bun beginning to wash my face and brush my teeth again. I slid my tongue over my teeth then smiled looking at them.

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