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Chapter twenty-three

"I feel like you're still mad at me." I sighed resting my head on my knees.

"I was never mad the first time." He laughed mocking my actions.

"Yes you was, I know you."

"I thought you did too but it's obviously you don't."

"See? Shit like that hurts my feelings. You know I know you better than you know yourself."

"That's bullshit, I spend every damn second with myself. I know myself, the hell?"

"Alright whatever Chris." I rolled my eyes getting off the bed.

"Simone, why are you crying?" He smacked his teeth pulling me in his arms.

"Cause you being mean as hell when you know you mad at me." I sniffed wiping my face.

"Simone I fucked you for two hours straight no breaks, took a nap and ate your pussy twice. How the hell do you think I'm still mad at you, when I technically never was?"

"Look how you talking to me." I frowned.

"Yeah, you in ya feelings heavy baby." He laughed kissing my forehead.

"I am, maybe because I missed you and haven't saw you in three days."

"I been working so I could make your dreams come true." He smiled.

"Dreams? What you do?"

"I would show you but it's flooding outside, tomorrow morning definitely."

"Is it big?"

"We not playing this guessing game, I will show you when I wake up."



"I just wanted-"

"Hell nope."

"Hell nope? What the fuck is that but please I-"

"Hell naw to the naw naw naw."

"You annoying as hell." I rolled my eyes trying to push him off of me.

"You keep tryna leave but you have on no clothes, where are you going?"

"Going to stand in the middle of the road and shake my ass."

"Okay remember they have to pay first but you worth millions."

"Then I'll be broke forever."

"As long as you got me than you'll always be rich." He kissed my cheek.

I grabbed his face and deepend the kiss because I knew he wasn't talking about rich with money but rich in life. As long as I was with him I wouldn't need for anything, that's what he was saying.

"Can I get up baby? I'm hungry."

"Put on some clothes, not just a shirt, some actual clothes Simone."

"Yes massa." I laughed as he let his grip off of me.

"Bring me some chips or something stink." He tried to be slick and call out making me laugh.

I walked down stairs to see Sammy crushing some cold ass chicken like it was the best thing in the world, I laughed loudly wishing I bought my phone to record this.

"You better not record me." He laughed.

"I fucking wish dude." I laughed getting Bhris two pair of chips of Cheddar Ruffles and Lays Honey Bbq. 

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