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I woke up in the middle of the night thirsty as fuck. I grabbed my flashlight and walked out my room.

You never know what's in the dark.

"I don't know what to do." I heard Vae said as I snuck downstairs, I knew she was crying from the tone in her voice.

"Sim gon come around, she can't ignore you forever."

"You don't know Sim, it's going on 2 weeks and she still haven't said a word to me."

"If it helps she ain't talking to me either." Dice said making me quietly laugh. 

Why would that help?

"Why would that help?" Vae asked and I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing. She always reads my mind.

I decided to stop hiding and went into the kitchen, Vae quickly wiped her face and looked at me. I walked past her going into the refrigerator.

"You too old to be scared to the dark." Dice laughed looking at my flashlight.

"You too old to still be hiding in the closet, it's 2016 we ain't gon judge." I smiled at him.

"Oh shit, it lives. Wassgood little bitch?"

"Nothing chilling, cooling little bitch." I sat down across from them.

"Sim I'll give you $500 if you talk to Sammy."

"Can I ask question?"

"Go head."

"He fucked any girls in Cali?" I looked at Dice to see if he was lying, I was always good at reading people body language.

"Nah but even if he did I wouldn't tell you."

"If he did would you still be pushing me to talk to him?"

"Maybe, shit I don't know." He shrugged.

"Wassup Vae?" I said looking at her.

"Hey Simone." She smiled.

"Imma go clean the fish tank." Dice said getting up.

We dont even have a fish tank.

"Yo you deal with that?" I laughed shaking my head.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For throwing you under the bus, it was just easier to go along with it. I didn't know he was going to throw it in your face."

"You did know he was going to throw it in my face, that's all he ever does but I'm over it." I told her truthfully.

I don't hold grudges, I just like people kissing my ass.

"Shut up before you wake them up." I heard Nailah whisper as footsteps followed.

"Nice seeing y'all on this fine night." I smiled scaring them.

"Wassgood sus?" Crook laughed touching his head.

I looked at Vae to see she was already looking at me. We shared the same facial expression as Nailah laughed.

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