Bucky x Blind!Reader

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Listening carefully Y/n felt her way around the room. Finally reaching the door she breathed in deeply. "FRIDAY, please aid me in reaching the kitchen!"

Stubbornly the sightless girl marched her way through the halls as the disembodied voice spewed directions. Totally normal.

"You've arrived Y/n, would you like me to alert another Avenger of your needs?" Putting a finger up she spoke, "Please get Steve, tell him a need help." With another sigh she out her finger down, staring into nothing and everything. "Okay. He will be here momentarily."

The surprisingly light footsteps of America's favorite super soldier echoed through the kitchen. Alerting Y/n of his calming presence. His concerned voice danced through the silence, "What's wrong?"

Y/n chuckled slightly, "Nothing's wrong, I just need someone to talk to." The sound of a chair being dragged against the pristine tiles told her that Steve had sat down next to her. "What do you need to talk about?" Another sigh wracked Y/n's chest, "Bucky."

Another sigh sounded throughout the room as Steve responded. "What about Bucky?" Y/n turned to face the sounds, her e/c stared blankly into Steve. "Why won't he talk to me? Even when I ask him for help?" Steve stared into her unresponsive eyes,  "He's scared." A giggled escaped Y/n's throat, "Of me? I can't even see!".

A weak smile formed on Steve's face. "Not of you. Of hurting you, or scaring you"

Y/n's mouth formed the letter 'O'. "Can you tell him to at least answer my questions?" Pausing slightly she added, "Also, tell him he's bad at hiding. Just because I can't see him, doesn't mean I can't hear him!"

This time it was Steve's turn to laugh, "Well Buck, she says your bad at hiding! What do you have to say about that?" Another deep voice cut through the existing sounds, causing Y/n to jump in her seat. "Good thing I've never hidden from her."

Confusion flooded her senses, "Where were you?". Bucky's small moment of joy was crushed, "On the couch.". Y/n's face flushed, "So you're not hiding from me, you're avoiding me. Nice."

She got up in one swift motion and began feeling her way out of the room. "Stop!" A hand grabbed her wrist, "I wasn't avoiding you.".

Y/n's eyebrows knit together angrily, "Then what were you doing? Ignoring me? Letting me stumble around," She waved a hand in front of her eyes, "completely blind?!".

Bucky swallowed nervously, "I didn't want to hurt you.". His breath hitched at her response, "So it's okay to watch me hurt myself as I stumble around here?!".

Yanking her wrist from his hand she walked away, "FRIDAY, get me back to my room!".

Just as she was out of ear shot Steve spoke, "She has a point.". He then followed suit and left the room, leaving a very confused Bucky alone in the clean kitchen.

A/N - I love this reader. FIERCE!

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