Reader Request!

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A/N - Thank you Mad_JeffersonLover for coming up with this super cute idea! I hope I did it justice. I couldn't find the message you sent me with the name and pronouns you wanted for this story, so I used Y/n. I can go back and edit later if you comment them and tag me below!

"Bucky seems to be down, should I record his location so you can scope the scene?" Steve asked, calculating the odd disappearance of the Winter Soldier.

"Yes, send his location now. I'm above the base in a chopper. I'm ready when you are." Y/n said fastening the straps of the ladder to the clasps near the helicopter's door. 

"Okay got it. Tony said he's about one kilometer west of me, he seems to be alone. In and out Y/n, don't need you getting hurt too." Steve said nervously.

Y/n rolled her eyes as she opened the helicopter's door; feeling the rush of cool air dancing around her. "It's what I do Rogers, you know I'll be fine."

Clicking the com off she grabbed on to the ladder and slid down, quickly reaching the bottom. About four feet from the ground she dropped and rolled, immediately jumping to her feet. 

Seeing Steve, she ran west of him, following the instructions random given to her via the inter communicating system. 

Y/n stopped running and looked around. Nothing. Clicking on her communicator she spoke, "Steve, we've got a problem. . ." She paused. "I don't see him anywhere."

Steve's voice called out, "What? He should be there he hasn't moved, his location has stayed consistent. Tony any ideas?"

Stark's confident tone spoke also, "Nope, Y/n should be right on top of him. Not that she'd mind." Y/n could just imagine his smirk as he uttered that last sentence, and Steve's audible gasp caused the Stark to laugh.

"Tony, now is not the time. I'll just look around." Y/n said as she pulled a gun from the holster at her waist.

" I found Bucky's communicator on the ground. Is that how you're tracking his location?" Y/n said moments later. Her tone was calm, but laced with concern. 

"Yup, so he's gone. Alright, we don't want you alone down there. I'll send Steve in a few moments. Just stay where you are Y/n." Tony said, serious for once in his life.

A/N -  I will be making a part two for this, so don't worry. :) Thank you for 5k reads guys, it means a lot.

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