Bucky x Stark's Daughter!Reader (Teen AU)

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A/N - this is so lighthearted and barely even serious lol but enjoy

Word Count: 817

Warnings: none


The clinking of fine silverware and porcelain bowls filled the dining room as Tony pranced throughout the kitchen preparing dinner for his daughter's rather smug dinner date. 

Y/n and Bucky sat nervously at the table waiting for the dreaded moment where Tony would surely embarrass his daughter and interrogate her boyfriend. As they sat in near silence, trying to avoid any topics Tony may question, the clinking ceased, and a tray of homemade thin crust pizzas emerged from the kitchen with the man of the hour: Tony Stark himself.

No matter how comfortable Bucky felt around girls, their fathers were always a different story. 

"Hello James, how are you?" Tony said, his formalities were surely in a mocking tone; and the use of Bucky's lawful name gave him a headache. 

"I'm doing just fine, sir." He tried to pack venom into 'sir', it simply came out forced and unnatural.

Smiling nervously Y/n interrupted the uncomfortable hellos, "So Dad, anything exciting happen today?" 

"Well this is pretty exhilarating! Sitting with two teenagers on a weird first date? My perfect Friday afternoon Y/n." Stark said, pulling his slices of pizza from the tray in the center of the table. 

Bucky laughed, and Y/n smiled at him nervously; lightly flushed. 

"How was school?" The older Stark questioned the two kids in front of him as he began to eat. 

Bucky cleared his throat, "It was actually a pretty good day: no homework and Steve didn't pick any fights with kids bigger than him." 

Tony laughed, knowing full well how Steve could be. Sometimes he wished Y/n liked him instead. 

"It was okay, gym is always terrible though." Y/n said, taking a sip of her water. 

Bucky shrugged, "I don't mind it usually, but the teacher doesn't like me."

Tony rolled his eyes knowing full well it was because Bucky treated physical education like it was the Olympics, and the fact that his popularity was enough to aggravate teachers everywhere. He was a distraction. 

"I don't think Mr. Moran dislikes you actually, I just think his face looks like that." Y/n suggested. 

"We can hope can't we?" Bucky said with a laugh, his charisma making it hard for even Tony to dislike him.

Y/n gazed at him in a way that made Tony's stomach churn, and he sat up straighter in his chair looking between the two young kids across from him. 

"Thanks for dinner dad, we're gonna go down to the park to meet Steve." Y/n said as she stood up, smoothing her jeans out in one motion. Bucky followed suit.

"Text me when you get there, send pictures once you arrive. Check in every hour or so, just wanna make sure you're not kidnapped yet." Tony said, trying to not think of that fact that Bucky and Y/n would be alone for several blocks on the way to Central Park. 

"Thanks Mr. Stark." Bucky said as he followed Y/n out of the kitchen, leaving the middle-aged man alone to finish his pizza. 

"That wasn't too bad, right?" Y/n asked once they were outside.

Bucky grabbed her hand, "Not at all, other than the fact that your dad hates me it was great." 

Y/n smiled, "He doesn't hate you.-" She paused, "At least not a lot." 

"Wow. That's reassuring." Bucky said giving her hand a light squeeze as they made their way down to the park. 

Wanting to change the subject Y/n broke the lagging silence, "Is Steve bringing anyone?" 

Shaking his head Bucky responded, "I don't think so, usually I'm his plus one." 

Feeling slightly guilty for stealing Steve's best and nearly only friend for the evening, Y/n kept quiet for a bit. 

"It's fine though Y/n, I promise. He likes seeing us together. He says he's happy when I am." Bucky said, noticing the mood shift.

"I know you say that, but I still feel bad. We should have invited him to dinner."

"And have him third wheel our awkward dinner date? He'll pass." Bucky said with a smirk. 

Y/n laughed, "Yeah that might not actually be the best idea."

Bucky pulled her closer, "Plus if he was here, we couldn't do this unless we wanted to blind him." 

In one swift motion he pulled Y/n closer to his side and snaked his arm around her waist.

"Steve's a little old fashioned, but I think he could manage seeing this Buck." Y/n said laughing. 

The silence this time was comfortable, and they walked the rest of the short distance to the park just enjoying each other's general company. Soon Steve came into sight; sitting on a park bench kicking his feet, as they just barely touched the ground. 

"Hey Rogers! Get over here." Bucky shouted as he pulled away from Y/n, ready to greet his friend. 

Steve hopped off the bench and smiled as he walked over to meet the couple. 


Leave a vote if you want  them to meet up with some other teen Avengers to play truth or dare.

Comment down below if you want them the trio to go on an awkward third wheeling adventure. 

whatever gets the most vote will be tomorrow's update!! hope you enjoyed. :) 

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