Capitol Update: Arena - Day One

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Piper Papillon’s POV:

‘’ Hello Panem! Day one in the Hunger Games arena has just concluded, and wow! What a day it has been! We have lost six tributes already, and I must admit that we were all watching it on the edge of our seats! I have some important news for you, but first I will give a brief summary of what happened on day one of this year’s Hunger Games!

I will begin from when the tributes entered the arena, when something happened for the first time in twenty five years, a tribute commit suicide by stepping off their platform! I am not going to lie; the tension after little Acacia Frost from District Six stepped off her platform was so thick you could cut it with a knife! We were all very excited to see what would happen to poor Ike, stranded on his platform waiting for his imminent demise!

All I can say about his! The way the collar slowly tightened around his throat was just fascinating! I think we were all hoping that when Acacia died we’d witness an exciting end for District Nine’s Ike and we definitely got that! Before the Games had even commenced, we were down two tributes!

There were no other deaths for a while after that, most tributes managed to escape the bloodbath of the cornucopia alive because most tributes were focusing on keeping themselves and their partners alive as opposed to fighting other tributes.

The next pair to die was District Six’s Odhan Tyrell and District Seven’s Cricket Wakely. The two had been chased by Ravina and Adaline for some time, and Ravina eventually caught up with them. Adaline did beg for mercy on behalf of the boys she was hunting but it was no use. Both boys ended up dead. Might I just add however, how interesting Cricket’s collar was, it sprouted razor sharp spikes which dug into his skin. I can’t wait to see more from the collars later on in the Games! This means that both tributes from District Six are eliminated.

The third and final pair to die on day one of this year’s Hunger Games was most likely as much of a shock to you all as it was to me. District One’s Brutis Glaze – a career – and his partner from District Ten, Pious Carrington were the next to go. Despite Pious’ warnings, they met with Margo and Belle and although Brutis initially proposed a truce, a fight broke out.

It was quite a brawl if I am honest, three of the four tributes had been careers so the fight was pretty even, but with Pious bleeding out on the floor, there was not much hope for him and Brutis to make it very far if they had defeated Belle. It truly was a spectacle! A reminder of today’s deaths is now displayed on your screens.’’

District One, Brutis Glaze.

District Six, Odhan Tyrell and Acacia Frost

District Seven, Cricket Wakely.

District Nine, Ike Nash.

District Ten, Pious Carrington.

‘’ Now then, for the news about day two in the arena and the moment I am sure you are all looking forward to, the first special attraction! We will see the – Capitol voted – mermaid sirens in action tomorrow in the arena! So, before I leave you all I just want to ask you all a few quick questions which we want you to answer for us. Who do you think will survive? Who do you want to make it past day two of the arena? Until then, I’m Piper Papillon and that was your Capitol Update!’’

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