Part one

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Her name was jillian and she was 12 years old. One day she got home from school to find her dad on the sofa crying. Jillian says "what's wrong?" Her dad didn't answer. She asked her dad again and he said "I will say when your brother Liam gets home from school jillian." Liam was 16 he was 4 years older then jillian. Jillian says "is it good or bad news." Her dad replies "it is bad news." I had to hold back the tears because Liam walked in the front door. Dad said "I need to tell you both something." He carried on saying "you know how your mum was really ill for a few months well me and your mum went to the doctors in January (12/01/09) and your mum found out she had leukaemia and she only had 4 months to live. Your mum really wanted to tell you both so much but she didn't know how to. We went back to the doctors today while you both was at school and we found out your mum only had a few hours to live so in the last few hours of your mums life she decided to write you both a letter. She's so sorry that she couldn't say goodbye to you both in person we thought she would still be here by the time you both got home from school but she didn't make it that long. My dad gave me and Liam both a letter. I started to read mine it said.

Dear jillian,

I'm so so sorry that you had to find out about this from me writing a letter and your dad telling you. I wanted to tell you and Liam so badly but I couldn't hurt you both because I know you was getting bullied at school you didn't tell me but I already knew because the school noticed it and they rang me and your dad and told us. I wish you could of told me. I would of listened to you and helped you through it and you know I would of. I know it's going to be really hard without me but please promise me two things that you will never ever forget me and I will always be in your heart. I will always be looking down at you from up above cheering you on. I'm so so proud of you. I love you so much.
Lots of love from your mummy xx

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