Part two

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After I finished reading it I burst into tears and ran out of the house. I ran to the closest field somewhere no one knows about. I have the letter in my hand I keep reading it over and over again wishing it was just a bad dream and I will wake up soon. But it was real I started to cry again and started saying to myself I understand why mum died but I wish she told me she had cancer because it has hurt me more having to read the letter.
After a few hours of sitting on the field I decided to go home to find my dad still sitting in the same place as earlier and he's still crying. He looks at me and I walk over to him and I give him a hug and I say "I'm sorry I needed sometime alone". I asked dad "where Liam was". Dad replied by saying "he's moved in with grandad he didn't want to stay since your mum isn't here".
I started to cry again but this time I said something I shouldn't of said.
I said "it should of been me who died not mum because to be honest no one would miss me anyway".
My dad stood up and walked into the kitchen and I followed him but I wished I didn't because he opened the draw and got the sharpest knife we had in the house. I tried to stop him but before I got to him he had slit his throat right in front of me. I got my phone and called 999. I was shaking so much. I told them to hurry up so my dad didn't die. The ambulance pulled up outside and they rushed into the house and they saw my dad laying on the floor they tried so hard to save him but he didn't make it.
I rang my brother Liam to tell my grandad to bring him home because I had to tell them both what has happened and why it happened.
Liam and my grandad got to the house not long after and all they saw was police cars, policemen and the ambulance outside the house.
I told them both to come to where I was standing. I said "I have some more really bad news but it was my fault, I'm so sorry Liam but dad got the sharpest knife in the house and slit his throat and it's all my fault because I said it should of been me who died not mum because to be honest no one would miss me anyway, I regret saying it and I wished I never said it now."
Liam ran out of the house I ran after him I couldn't find him anywhere. I was about to go home but then I decided to go onto the field where I went earlier that day. I heard someone crying I looked up at a tree and it was Liam. He said" go away". But I didn't. Then he said " just leave and your not my sister anymore".
I ran home to find my grandads is talking to these two people who i didn't know.

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