Part seven

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A few months with being in hospital I'm slowly starting to eat more and more each day. I'm nearly at my target weight which is 49.0kg. I'm currently 47.8kg.
I want to get better so I can go home to Lilly and josh. There my family now I've been living with them for so many years. They are more like my mum and dad now.

Day 72
Dear diary,
I'm being discharged from the hospital next week I can't wait to go back home. I've hit my target weight. I'm slowly starting to love my body and like the way I look. I can't wait to see Lilly and josh it's been so long since I've seen them both. I'm on the road to recovery and nothing is going to stand in my way. I'm going to recover and I'm going to be happy again. I will have good days and I will have bad days but I will get through the bad days somehow and some way. I'm not going to give up that easily.

Day 79
Dear diary,
It's discharge day finally. Josh and Lilly are coming to pick me up from the hospital I can't wait to see them. It's going to be amazing to finally go home and spend time with them again.
Current weight is 49.1kg. I'm putting weight on and I'm proud of myself for that because I never thought I would be able to recover and get better but I've prove ANA wrong. Fuck you ANA. I will beat you.

Josh and Lilly turn up I have the biggest smile on my face I run up to them both and give them a big hug. They both have smiles on their faces.
I say "I'm so happy to see you both."
Lilly and josh both say "we've missed you so much jillian lets get you home."

We take all my stuff to the car and we are driving home but we go to my college.
I say "why have we come here."
Lilly says "someone wants to see you."
I say "who???"
Lilly says " you will find out soon"

We walk down to the part where I used to go to and my tutor is standing there.
I say "hi"
Tutor says "hi jillian its so nice to see you again, healthy and well."
I say " yeah it's been a long journey but I'm getting there slowly."
Tutor says "I'm glad jillian."
I turn to Lilly and josh and say why have you really brought me here again.
Josh says "because your allowed back to college."
I say "what really."
Josh says "yes really your first day back is tomorrow we just wanted you to see your tutor before you came back."
I say "this means I can get my life back."
Tutor says "yes jillian it's a fresh start for you."
I say "thank you so much for all you have done for me, I'm glad you told Lilly and josh about me fainting back in March because I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you."
Tutor says " jillian your welcome but you don't need to thank me you need to thank yourself because your the reason you are still here you made the decision to recover and now look at you, you made it."
I say "I need to go now but I will see you tomorrow and can we talk tomorrow."
Tutor says "see you tomorrow jillian and yes we will talk tomorrow my door is always open for you."

I go back to the car to see Lilly and josh sat waiting for me.
I say "sorry for taking so long."
Josh and Lilly both say "it's okay we're glad to have you back and we can't wait to have a proper meal with you again."
I say " I'm glad to be back and I can't wait either."

We finally get home we unpack the car and I take my things up to my room and I see everything is where it was before I left. They haven't moved anything or been in here.
I think to myself "why the hell did I put myself through all of that and why the hell did I put Lilly and josh through that they had there own problems but they did care about that they cared about me more. I need to do something special for them both."

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