Part four

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A few weeks later I was able to go back to school all the time I've had off. All the teachers kept saying to me "I hope your okay, I hope your feeling better and what happened to your mum and dad wasn't your fault. But my fault my dad killed himself. The next teacher who says it I'm going to walking out of lesson. I go to my 4th period I had miss clay she was the best teacher ever.
She said "hi jillian it's nice to have you back, I'm so sorry about your mum and dad it must be really hard".
I replied back "yes it is really hard without them".
Miss clay said "it wasn't your fault that they both died".
That was when I walked out of lesson and ran onto the field and cried until break time when miss clay came and sat down next to me.
I said "just go away and leave me alone".
Miss clay said "what's wrong jillian?"
I said nothing I'm fine but she knew I wasn't so I said "that my dads death was my fault, he did it because of what I said to him".
Miss clay said "come on lets go inside and I will get you a drink and I will the school counsellor to come and see you and you can talk to them about it and I will ring Lilly and josh to come and pick you up after".
Jillian the counsellor shouted I was shaking so much. I walked in the door and I sat down on the sofa. The counsellor introduced herself she said hi my names Becky. She seemed really nice. I opened up about everything what had happened to my mum and my dad.
Becky said "it's not your fault jillian".
I said "well you didn't see my dad commit suicide in front of me no one understands". I shouted and I walked out of the room. Lilly and josh was sat outside waiting for me and they heard me shout but they didn't say anything because they knew I was upset.
When we got home Lilly told me that I had a hospital appointment but didn't say why. We all got in the car I put both of my earphones in straight away it was currently 4pm. We got to the hospital for 4:10pm my appointment wasn't till 4:30pm but we got there early just in case. It got to 4:30pm the doctor shouted my name. I went in on my own.
The doctor said "we are going to take the feeding tube out since we are happy with your progress".
I reply saying "I'm happy but I'm scared ana will take control again like last time".
The doctor said "we will take it out anyway and see how you go".

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