Part five

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It's two days till my 14th birthday (20/08/10) and i don't want ana's voice to get any louder like it used to be.
Me, Lilly and josh get back home and Lilly and josh make some dinner they only give me a small amount. I ate all of it and I was surprised. I ask Lilly to see if I can go to my bedroom to be alone. I start to cry I get one of my sharpers and take the blades out of it and I put the blade to my skin.
One cut turned into two, two cuts turned into three cuts, three cuts turned into four, and four cuts turned into twenty and even more cuts. I didn't say anything to Lilly or josh about it because they would tell ruby and the school about it all. I always wear long sleeves until it was my birthday and Lilly shouts me to go downstairs. I was wearing my favourite black dress. I had my arms crossed because it had short sleeves. Lilly told me to unfold my arms so I did and she saw my cuts. She shouted josh he came running. He saw my arms and he looked shocked. They told ruby about it. Ruby came to see me the same day and she told Lilly and josh to take me to the hospital because a few of the cuts were really deep. We got to the hospital and the doctor shouted my name "Jillian". She saw the cuts and put stitches in my cuts. She said "Julian you have to stay in hospital over night so we can keep an eye on you".
I said "yeah but it's my birthday you can't keep me in overnight please I'm begging you".
Doctor said "okay you can go home but if you feel sick or don't feel well come straight back okay".
I said "okay I will I promise".

I'm now 16 I've passed all my exams at school I don't know how but I have.
I'm still living with Lilly and josh. I'm still cutting and they do know and they are supporting me the best they can. I'm still struggling to eat. I still stave myself and I still over exercise and I'm losing weight really fast. I've been an impatient 5 times since I was 13. I've tried committing suicide so many times and I still want to die but I'm slowly becoming happier than I been in a long time.

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