Part three

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As i got to where my grandad and these two people were standing. My grandad introduced me to them the women's name was ruby and the mans name was Craig. They were from social services. My grandad said "they are going to find you a family to live with". I started to cry and I said "grandad how can you do this to your own granddaughter I thought you loved me". My grandad just stayed quiet. My grandad nodded his head to tell the social workers to put me in the car. I stopped crying I screamed as loud as I could and I kept kicking the chairs until the car stopped at a big house. I got scared they told me the women's name was Lilly and her husbands name was josh. I got told they are really nice, caring and kind people. I didn't want to get out of he car so ruby had to drag me out of the car and up to the door. Ruby knocked on the door and Lilly and josh opened the door and they was both smiling. I got scared so I started to panic so much I couldn't breathe. I passed out and I woke up in a hospital bed. I got scared again. Ruby was sat next to the bed and said "jillian you passed out and we couldn't wake you up so we called a ambulance and the ambulance came and they couldn't wake you up either. They brought you straight to hospital and the doctor and nurses finally got you stable, they checked your BMI and they said it's really low that you could die". I didn't say anything.
Ruby said "when was the last time you actually had anything to eat jillian".
I said "around a few months ago no body even noticed that I stopped eating, I can't eat because if I do I will just get fatter and fatter then I already am". Ruby told the doctor that I was refusing to eat so they had no other option apart from put a feeding tube up my nose. The doctors discharged me the next day. Ruby took me back to Lilly's and Josh's house. They both saw the tube in my nose and they were shocked. Ruby explained to Lilly and josh that I had anorexia. They both came over to me and just hugged me I felt safe in their arms.
I said to ruby "thank you for everything you have done for me yesterday and today it means a lot".
Ruby said "i will see you in a few weeks to see how you are getting on".

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