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Jungkook's POV

"Here is your timetable" The daunting head master booms as he passes me a sheet of paper across the desk. I take it out of his hands, examining it briefly before shoving it in the back pocket of my jeans.

"Thank you, sir" I bow, taking a few steps backwards and reaching for the door.

"Have a good first day!" He says before I open the door, closing it behind me once I am in the corridor. The school is almost empty, the odd couple traipsing around giggling and speaking amongst themselves.

Lockers upon lockers line the hallway, each with numbers on and been personalised with photos and stickers.

The locker I was given should be somewhere along here. I shuffle down the corridor, careful not to bump into a group of girls gossiping about someone.

They all stop talking when I walk by, then proceed to whispering things like 'he's cute' and 'is he new?'

I can't help but roll my eyes at their remarks, especially when I am not even straight. I finally spot my locker next to one covered with pink stickers and gems, standing out amongst the others. Mine is plain blue, the hinges looking rather rusty.

I open it up and pile some textbooks inside that I was given to by the secretary in the school office. 'Study hard' she said.

I'll try my best.

Suddenly, a couple stroll down the corridor heading straight in my direction. I spin around to face my locker, avoiding eye contact.

"Hello there"

I slowly turn around, slightly taken aback to see a tall male with blonde hair, dressed in a oversized pink sweater.

"U-uh hi..." I mentally curse at myself for stuttering, hiding it with a smile.

"Are you new here?" He questions, opening up the locker next to mine. The pink locker.


"Cute, my name's Jin and this is Namjoon" he gestures behind him and I see an even taller guy with silver hair and a bright smile. He waves, eyes scrunched.

I wave back "Jungkook"

"I've heard that name before..." Jin ponders, looking me up and down. "Anyway, don't be nervous, we're all nice people. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

I smile at his generosity, surprised at how caring he is.
"Okay, thank you"

"Are you a senior?" Namjoon chips in, snaking an arm around Jin's waist.

Are they together?

"Umm no, not yet"

"Oooh~! Call me hyung then!" Jin gasps, patting me on the head.

I nod, glad that I have already made some friends.

"You can hang out with us at lunch if you want, until you settle in" the pink male adds as I close my locker.

"Okay, thanks hyung!"

"Meet here when the bell rings, okay?" Namjoon calls as they begin to walk away, hand in hand.

"Got it!"


After finding my way around the school, I finally manage to find my first class.


I step into the classroom, everyone already sat down.

"Ah, hello! You must be the new student, correct?" The teacher beams, her bangs almost covering her eyes.

I nod, my cheeks flushing as I feel every soul in the room staring right at me.

"Everyone, this is Jeon Jungkook, a new student. Please make him feel welcome" she turns back to me and speaks in a low voice "you can sit over there, by the window" she points out a seat with her long thin finger painted with red nail polish.

I nod again and bow slightly, making my way over to the indicated chair. I hear whispers and even a wolf whistle from a guy across the room. I can already feel my face going red.

I slump into my seat, getting out my equipment from my bag. Stupidly, a pencil falls from the desk, rolling and hitting the chair leg of the person next to me.

The guy looks me straight in the eyes and my heart flutters. His stunning hazel eyes are slightly hidden under his messy light brown hair, pink plump lips slightly parted. His tanned skin does wonders for his complexion, eyelashes long and beautiful.

Out of nowhere, the hot male winks at me, snapping me out of my trance. My face heats up again whilst he bends down and picks up my pencil, holding it out for me to take.

I take it from his hand, our fingers lightly brushing. I place it on the desk, avoiding any further eye contact.

"Right then class, today we will be learning about jungles. Now who can give me an example of a jungle in the world?" The teacher, Miss Lee, speaks over the noise.

The guy next to me raises his hand. Miss Lee sighs and nods. "Go on, Taehyung"

"Jackson's armpit"

The room erupts with laughter, a giggle finding its way out my mouth.

Taehyung turns to look at me, a devilish look plastered on his face. Once again, he winks at me, this time biting his lip.

I gulp, staring down at my fingers that are situated on my lap.

His voice when he spoke was low and husky, sending shivers down my spine. It felt foreign and yet so familiar.

"Enough with the immature jokes! Open your textbooks to page 69!"


As the bell rings after my second lesson, I don't think I've ever walked so fast. I needed to get away from the hot guy that keeps winking at me and licking his lips whenever I catch him staring. It's driving me insane!

My pace quickens as my feet lead me to my locker where I would meet Jin and Namjoon. As I turn the corner, I see them already standing there, accompanied by two smaller guys. I recognize one of them as Jimin, he sat in front of me in geography.

Jin spots me as I approach the group, a warm smile on his face. "Hey Jungkook! Glad you found your way back" he chuckles, placing a hand on my shoulder once I join them.
He points at the smallest of the boys, raven hair peaking out of a beanie. "This is Jimin, he's in your grade. This is Yoongi, he's a senior like us" he says, gesturing to the grey haired male.

"Hi, you're in my geography class, right?" Jimin asks, tilting his head. I nod, earning an eye smile.

"Right, let's get lunch. I'm starving!" The eldest pats his stomach as we begin to make our way towards the cafeteria.

They all seem nice. I could get used to this...

Taehyung's POV

"Why are we spying on them again?" Hoseok queries as we poke our heads round the corner. I watch as the group head towards the cafeteria, pulling Hoseok to follow behind.

"Because I think I know that new kid!" I hiss back, my eyebrows furrowing when I see Jimin sling an arm around my Jungkook's shoulder.

"Did you fuck him a while back or something?"

"No..." I huff, punching the brunette in the arm. He whines, rubbing it in an act to ease the pain.

My pace increases, admiring Jungkook's behind as he strolls down the corridor.

That's my baby boy.


Taehyung is so thirsty like damn he wants the jungbooty

I don't blame him ;)

Anyways, enjoy your day ily

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