xv [R]

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Jungkook's POV

"But you can call me V..."

"Y-you're V... V is... This whole time..." My heart is racing. My brain is a jumble, trying to fit together the pieces.

"I know I know, it's a lot to take in. Please don't freak out!" He panics, worry clear in his expression.

"Th-that makes so much sense! That's why you..." My mind casts back to the other day, when he cornered me in the alleyway. That's why his messages were so strange, telling me to forgive him.

"Y-you aren't kidding, right?" I double check. I have to lean against a bike rack to steady myself.

"No, I'm V, I promise! It's my nickname" he chuckles, the sound making me feel warm inside.

Without thinking, I step forward and wrap my arms around his body. His whole body is cold and soaked with water but as soon as his arms wrap around my waist, I feel warm and safe.

"You're such an idiot, you should have told me" I mumble into his shirt. I can feel his heart pounding. It's as quick as mine.

"I know, I'm sorry..." He holds me closer, making me feel like I'm in a wall of protection. Like nothing can hurt me as long as I'm with him.

With Taehyung.

"It's okay" I look up at him and smile, staring into those stunning dark eyes of his. I get so lost in them, I hardly notice the school bell ringing from the school building.

Everyone around us starts milling around, entering the school building. We just stand there, looking at each other. We don't say anything; don't need to. I still can't quite believe it. How could I have been so stupid, so clueless? It was him this whole time and I had absolutely no idea.

I can feel the water from Taehyung's shirt seeping into mine, the front of my body growing cold. In a normal situation, I would complain about it. In this situation, I ignore it and push the idea away.

I can feel his hot breath against my cheeks, getting warmer by the second. That's when I realise his face is slowly coming closer to mine, only inches apart. My heart is racing, my hands twitching in the need to pull his head closer so our lips connect.

"Taehyung-ah? What are you-- Jungkook!!!"

Both of our heads spin around to see two guys. One is Jimin, the other Yoongi.

"Jimin-ah! You're late to school" Taehyung chuckles, not releasing his hold from around my waist. He looks uneasy, irritated.

"I met up with Yoongi hyung... Are we interrupting something here? I didn't know you two were..." Jimin trails off, clearly not sure what to say. I quickly push away from Taehyung, feeling uncomfortable from their stares.

He turns in my direction and gives me a look of sympathy. I just smile back, retrieving my bag and umbrella from the floor.

"We've known each other for a while. Now we'll be going now" He latches to my side and entwines his hand with mine, pulling me towards the school building. I can hear Yoongi muttering something from behind but I can't quite work out what he is saying.

"I'm sorry about them..." He sighs, squeezing my hand. I smile whilst shaking my head as if to say I don't mind. "Where's your homeroom?"

"Never mind about that, you need to get dry! You're still wet through!" The rain has halted to a meer drizzle, the odd speck landing on my nose.

I redirect him towards the bathroom, tugging on his hand for him to follow. He chuckles and keeps by my side as we enter the corridor.

The whole expanse is unoccupied. Everyone has gone to their homeroom leaving an empty hallway with the odd packet of chewing gum laying on the floor.

A loud echo resonates throughout the corridor as we make our way towards the bathroom. We reach the door and he holds it open for me, a large box grin on his face. I smile back and enter.

"So how exactly am I gonna get dry?" He asks as he follows me inside. There's no one here except us.

"Get under the hand dryer" I shrug, pointing towards the object hanging on the white tiled wall with the words 'Sehun sucks dick' engraved into it.

He gives me a bewildered look before turning and heading to the hand dryers. I follow and watch as he waves his hand under to activate the machine before ducking under. He laughs as his hair flattens against his forehead and the air causes moving ripples in his shirt.

I chuckle at the sight. He looks stupid but at the same time, adorable.

"Is this even working?" He queries, tilting his head.

"Umm... Kind of" I laugh as he rolls his eyes. Unexpectedly, he moves from underneath the hand dryer and begins lifting up his grey t-shirt. Looking up to see my surprised face, he smirks.

"I'm gonna take it off and put it under the dryer to see if it works quicker" he clarifies and I nod. He chuckles and pulls the shirt over his head, revealing a golden toned body. His faint six pack isn't too prominent, looking soft and in proportion.

"It's rude to stare, y'know" he laughs and ruffles my hair, turning around and putting the wet shirt under the machine.

I feel my face heat up and face palm myself for being so oblivious. I observe his back muscles and perfect shoulders, quickly looking away when I realise I should stop.

Whilst waiting, my mind races with thoughts. All that stuff we did together. That dirty stuff that gave me so much pleasure. The guy behind all of that pleasure is stood right in front of me, most likely with a smirk on his face that I can't see. It almost seems unrealistic. Talking to someone, well not just talking, for a while online and somehow crossing paths without realising. But that's the thing. He knew it was me but I had no idea. And now here we are, both aware of each other's presence, in the school men's bathroom.

A part of me wants to leap onto him and kiss his soft warm lips, wrapping my legs around him, the other part of me telling me that doing that would be absolutely stupid.

After a few minutes, he puts his shirt back on and fixes his hair so that his bangs rest just above his eyes. He stares at me, licking his lips.

"Ready to go?" I ask, avoiding his gaze. He nods, making his way over and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"What's your first lesson?" He pulls me towards him with a firm hold.


"Me too" he smiles, placing his other hand on my cheek. He leans forward and kisses my forehead.

I breathe in the scent of him. Washing detergent and cinnamon.

"Lets go"

We head out the bathroom to see students swarming down the hallway to their first class.

We make our way towards the English classroom, his arm still wrapped around my body, making me feel warm and something I've never felt before.


This was a pretty shitty chapter I'm sorry, wattpad decided to delete the chapter when I was halfway through writing it even tho I saved it loads???

Anyways, I have a big announcement:

I have a vkook fan account on instagram now!!! I'm called @ vkookable

So please give me a follow (you don't have to, I'm not forcing you lmao)

Thanks a bunch and I promise the next chapter will be better and things will get...... Interesting ;)))

K seeya peeps

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