xx [R]

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Jungkook's POV

My eyes droop with fatigue as I stare gloomily at the teacher who has been lecturing us about simultaneous equations. My eyes glide to the window, watching as a shower of leaves fall from old twisted trees that cower away from the predatory winds. 

I begin daydreaming about Taehyung, like I often do. We've been together for a week now, doing cute things like cuddling and watching movies together. We haven't done anything sexual, not since our first time. A part of me wants that again; wants his body on top of mine and his length accompanying my tight hole--


"Huh?" I snap my gaze to the teacher who has a sharp frown on her aged face.

"What's the answer?" She pries, raising an eyebrow in a patronising manner. I gulp, looking around for any sign of help.

Jimin, on the other side of the classroom, holds up 3 fingers in my direction, a sympathetic expression on his face.

"Three?" I respond, hands shaking on my lap.

"Correct. Thank you Jimin" she glares at the silver haired male, her voice filled with frustration. He jumps in his seat, eyes wide at the sudden mention of his name.


I mouth a quick 'sorry' to him and he smiles sheepishly. Just as I'm about to be scolded by the teacher, the sound of the bell erupts throughout the classroom. I quickly stand up from my seat and pack everything into my bag before swinging it onto my shoulder, making a mad dash towards the door.

"Not so fast, Mr. Jeon"

I stop dead in my tracks, spinning on my heels to face the lady dressed in a suit, hair severely pushed back into a slick ponytail, showcasing her numerous grey hairs.

"Yes, Miss Choi?" I answer innocently, smiling warmly.

"It would be a big help if you actually paid attention in my classes. Please, in the future, be a bit more considerate" she says, leaning against her desk and scowling.

"Yes miss, I'm sorry" I bow and scuttle out of her sight, retreating out of the classroom and joining the flow of students. I follow the crowd to the changing rooms and fight my way through, elbowing a few people along the way.

Gasping, I enter the men's changing rooms to get ready for P.E. I spot Taehyung in one corner, tanned torso on full display. He acknowledges me as I stroll over, shooting me a quick wink before putting on his sports shirt.

"Hey, baby" he greets with a smirk. I smile in return,  grabbing the bottom hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head. He stares at my body, licking his lips. I roll my eyes at his behaviour, shoving his arm playfully. Although, two can play at that game. My mind casts back to my thoughts in Math class; how I yearn for his touch and pleasure. I decide I'm going to be a pain in the ass and mess with his hormones.

I play with the waistband of my jeans and unzip them, pulling the denim down and stepping out of them, leaving me in just my underwear. I watch as his eyes turn lustful and the veins in his neck stand out. He's resisting his desires because of everyone else in the room. This is exactly what I wanted.

As slowly as I can, just to make Taehyung more frustrated, I put on my rather tight P.E kit and tie up my Nike trainers. I begin to make my way into the sports hall, Taehyung by my side, no words exchanged between us.

After waiting for the others, we do a quick warm up and then the coach sorts us into 4 teams. I'm in Taehyung's team, giving me a good chance to mess with him some more.

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