vi [R]

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Taehyung's POV

The front door slams with a thud, shaking the whole apartment block and it's foundations. I hear the familiar clatter of keys on the worktop and not one, but two pairs of feet shuffling around.

With a heavy sigh, I fix my hair in the long mirror and open my bedroom door, greeted by two cheerful looking female faces.

"Ah, Taehyung, I'm glad you're here. I thought you'd be out with those disgusting friends of yours" my mother says, sounding like the snob that she is.
"I brought Yeona to have dinner with us, is that alright?"

I grunt but give a nod, slumping onto the couch by the window. Yeona, with her dark, judgemental eyes, watches my every move with a tinge of disgust but hides it with a delightful smile to impress my mother.

You see, my parents keep trying to hook me up with pretty girls in an attempt to find 'the one'. Yeona is the daughter of a very rich friend of my father's and clearly my parents only want it for the business they could get with the family.

It's really not fair. We don't like each other but we have to suck it up and deal with it.
'For the family', my dad once said.

Well he can suck my left nut.

Yeona gracefully falls into the spot next to me, her legs folded. "How was your day?" She chirps, her voice too high pitched and squeaky.

"Fine until you turned up..." I grumble, resting my elbow on the arm of the couch.

"Kim Taehyung! Don't speak to your girlfriend like that!"


The word makes me cringe.

I decide to ignore the both of them and unlock my phone, checking social media. I notice on Facebook Jimin has changed his status to 'in a relationship'.

I check the comments and see a heart emoji from...


No way!

I smile to myself and clearly Yeona notices.
"What's so funny, hm?"

"None of your business, noona!" I grin, knowing she hates being called that.

"Aish, you're so mean" Yeona sighs, standing up from the couch and making her way towards the kitchen island where my mother is chopping vegetables.

Why do my parents have to choose who I can be with? Just because they want the family business to be more successful.

I mentioned before that I was in fact gay but they didn't even care, didn't listen. I may as well not be in this family, I'm just a burden.

However, there is one place that I wish to belong.

And that is with the beautiful Jeon Jungkook.

There's something about the feeling when I talk to him that gives me goosebumps, makes my heart race quicker than it should.

I hardly know him, but I'm determined. Determined to get closer to the boy with dark hair and captivating eyes.

I love my baby boy.

Jungkook's POV

The boxes fill up the entire hallway, stacks upon stacks of them. I never knew I had so much stuff, most of it is probably useless and unwanted.

"You finished, Kook?" My dad calls out from the lounge, his voice booming up the staircase.

"Yeah, it's all packed" I shout back, grabbing my phone before sprinting down the stairs.

My dad slumps into the hallway, ruffling my hair. "Good job, kiddo! How about we get take-out?"

I jump up and down with excitement, a large grin forming on my face.
"Yes please!" I squeal, falling into my father's arms in a warm embrace.

It's been ages since we spent quality time together, he was always so busy with work. Now he has got a new job, a promotion too. However, it means moving away.

I don't mind, to be honest. I don't have many friends here, anyway. If anything, I'm looking forward to it.

New people, new surroundings and a fresh start.

One thing I am worried about is starting a new school.

I am incredibly socially awkward and I'm not very good at making new friends. I've always been like it, when I was a toddler I just played on my own with my toys without a care in the world.

I have to admit, I'm pretty lonely. However, that's ok. It means I have more time for myself, time to look after me and my family. It would be nice to have a close friend, though. Someone to talk to and tell my worries to.

Immediately, a husky deep voice enters my head, one that draws me in like no other.


I can't seem to get him out of my head, no matter what I do. It's like a disease that never leaves your body, one that haunts you forever even when you think it's gone.

I don't even know what he looks like, what he's really like. What I do know, is that I want to know more about him, know more about the mysterious V.

And, moreover, know why he's doing this to me.

"Kook, what do you want to order?" My dad shouts from the kitchen, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Lamb skewers!" I giggle as my father rolls his eyes, picking up his phone to order the food.

This move will be an adventure but one thing keeps distracting me, one thing that gives me doubts about it all.

V lives in Daegu...

And that's exactly where I'm moving...



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