xvii [R]

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Jungkook's POV

Taehyung stares at the door intently, eyebrows furrowed with a troubled expression.

"Tae, who is it?" I nudge him with my foot and he stands up from the bed and bites his lip nervously.

"Kookie, stay here and don't make any noise. I'll be back in a minute" he leans down and pecks me on the lips before rushing out the door.

He didn't answer my question.

Sighing, I curl up into a ball and scrunch up the duvet into a lump to hug. The sheets smell of Taehyung's cologne and his familiar natural scent. I hear the noise of the front door opening and the banging of heals against tiles.

"Taehyung-ah! You can't ignore me, y'know! I called you earlier and you didn't pick up! If you don't want to see me anymore just say it! Say it now!"

I hear the voice of a girl, around the same age as us.
If you don't want to see me anymore just say it!

What the hell is that supposed to mean? Who is this chick?

Reluctant to be left out, I roll to the edge of the bed and swing my legs over the side, feeling my feet touch the cool floor. I stand up and creep over to the door.

Taehyung told me to stay put...

Sighing with defeat, I decide to press my ear to the wood and listen into their conversation, unfortunately slightly muffled but enough to hear what they are saying.

"Yeona... You know I don't like you in that way and I know you don't either. The only reason you're trying so hard is because you don't want to disappoint your parents and I understand that. Just tell them you don't want this and I'll do the same. Please just stop trying. There was nothing between us in the first place. Plus I'm gay..."


I jerk back from the door a second, water forming in my eyes. Why do I feel like I want to cry? I don't even understand the situation but I can't help but have a bad feeling. My brain is full of emotions and I'm just confused.

"I'm gay. There, I said it and I really don't care if you go and tell my parents. Just please stop bothering me, I like someone else"

A small smile forms on my lips without me realising. My legs suddenly feel weak and I slide down the wall next to the door, my body reaching the floor with an audible thud.

"What was that?"

Oh shit.

"Urm...nothing, probably just something falling in my room. You should leave now, don't want you being late for any of those book clubs of yours" I hear Taehyung laugh nervously and curse aloud. I should have been more careful.

The sound of her high heels grows closer and closer and my hands become clammy with sweat, my leg bouncing up and down with nerves. With a sudden idea, I leap to my feet and look for somewhere to hide.

The door clicks open and that's when I know I'm too late. I watch as the gap grows larger and the slim figure of a girl with tumbling brown hair is revealed. Her judgemental dark eyes look me up and down and she struts towards me, her eyes not leaving mine.

I shoot Taehyung a worried look as he emerges into the room with a nervous expression. My focus is snapped back to Yeona as she stops getting closer, her body incredibly close to mine that I can smell her sickeningly sweet perfume. Her long fingered hand grabs below my chin and jerks my head to her level, only slightly below me.

"Who the fuck are you?" She snaps, her grip tightening on my chin; so much so that it becomes sore from her sharp talon-like fingernails.

"Let go of him!" Taehyung growls, his voice stern. She carries on staring into my eyes, waiting for an answer to her question. My mouth becomes dry and I go to speak, except nothing comes out.

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