xiv [R]

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Taehyung's POV

"Taehyungie oppa, are you going to school today?"

"Yeah..." I sigh, groaning as Yeona pulls back the curtains, sharp streams of light burning my eyelids.

"Good, your mother was worried something had happened" she says, removing the duvet from my bed, exposing my body which is now cold. I'm only wearing boxer shorts.

She raises an eyebrow, sitting down on the side of the bed and resting her hand on my bare thigh. I flinch and she notices yet doesn't remove it.

"My mother? Worried? That's a first" I huff, sitting up in my bed. I turn to glance at my bedside clock to see I'm awake early.

"Why did you wake me up? What are you even doing here so early?" She smiles, clearly amused by my questions.

"I stopped by on my way to breakfast book club. I wanted to see you" her hand moves further up my thigh, her expression with some kind of emotion I haven't seen on her before.

"Breakfast book club? That sounds pretty lame--"

My words are cut off by her warm lips on mine, her hands wandering to places they shouldn't. I gasp, pushing her off me. She frowns, standing up beside my bed and dusting herself down.

"Yeona, what's gotten into you? I thought we didn't like each other!" I shout, wiping the lipstick off of my own lips.

"I know but I thought I would try to like you, see if there is anything there. I don't want to be a burden to my parents. I wanted this to work! Too bad you're just a jerk who doesn't care about anybody!" She storms out the room, slamming the door behind her with a loud thud.

I sit there in my bed, going over what she said in my head.

Too bad you're just a jerk who doesn't care about anybody!

I jump out of bed and pull on my ripped jeans and t-shirt in a hurry, quickly putting on my boots and applying some makeup in the bathroom.

I head out of my room and grab my keys from the counter, scooping up my bag on my way to the door.

"Where are you going, young man?" I hear my mother's voice say behind me. With caution, I turn around to face her and put on a grin.


"An hour early? Where are you actually going?" I can hear the anger in her voice, like she doesn't trust me. Well, I know she doesn't.

"Eomma, please, I need to go" I put a hand on the door handle, pushing it down to hear a 'click'.

"Not until you tell me where you're going" she crosses her arms, a harsh look on her face. I sigh and open the door, stepping into the hallway.

"To make things right"


I sprint down the familiar street, my chest struggling for air. I ignore it, my only focus on the beautiful brown eyes that remain in my memory.

The heavens open, a sudden downpour of rain hitting against the pavement and my body. My arms prickle with cold, my hair soaked through with water like a wet dog.

I can see my school in the distance, the gate still sealed shut with an assortment of locks. My clothes are already wet through. My black shirt is clinging to my body like it's made out of tape.

I finally reach the black iron gate, heaving and huffing from lack of breath. My legs ache, feeling heavy. I fish my phone out of my pocket and open up Jungkook's contact on the app. With numb fingers I manage to type a quick message.

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