xxiv [R]

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"Is it the one with the red door?"

"No, my door is brown"

"Wait is it this one? Number 4?"

"Taehyung I already told you my house is number 8"

"Oh yeah, never mind"

I stroll down the pavement, phone up to my ear and bag of food for Jungkook hanging from my long fingers. The birds sing from their branches, the sound mixing with the soft breeze that flows through my hair like water. The wind stings my cheeks but does not interfere with my wrapped up body, underneath layers of clothes to face the early spring. Flowers that line people's front gardens carry buds getting ready to bloom and the trees begin to grow back their lush green leaves that hover above me like a canopy.

A house on the right, notably with the number 8 hammered onto the front of the white gate at the foot of a gravel path leading up to a brown door, enters my field of vision.

"I can see it~" I sing down the phone and I hear a giggle on the the other end of the call. I spot a figure waving in a window on the top floor and smile.

"I can see you~" he sings back with his angelic voice and I lift the hand holding the bag up in an attempt to wave back. I reach the gate and undo the latch, my feet crunching on the stones as I step onto the gravel on the other side. The figure disappears from the window and I approach the door with a smile on my face.

Before I even go to knock on the wood, the door bursts open, revealing the figure from the window. His hair is slightly messy but in a cute way rather than untidy, his cheeks dusted with a light pink. I hang up the call on my phone and shove it in my pocket as I bask in the beauty before me. It sounds cheesy but it's true.

Jungkook practically leaps forward and slings his arms around my neck, leaning all of his body onto mine. I grin and return the embrace, wrapping my own arms around his middle.

"How have you been, baby?" I whisper into his ear, his grip around me tightening like a child who finally found their mother after getting lost.

"Can we just... stay like this for a minute?"

And so we did.


"So, what do you want to do?"

We sit on Jungkook's plump white bed decorated with a fluffy grey blanket, red pillows and shamelessly showcased haikyuu and ironman cushions. The whole room is an assortment of white and black with the odd splash of red here and there. It's fairly tidy, however a few pieces of clothing lay strewn across chairs and the carpeted floor.

Jungkook is laying in between my legs, resting his head on my shoulder with his back facing my chest. My head is leant against the wall, fingers twisting and stroking strands of the younger's mop of hair that is situated ideally, just below my chin. My other hand rests on his stomach, intertwined with his own long but dainty fingers.

"I don't mind, just as long as we don't go out the house" I hear him sigh and I lean down to kiss the top of his head.

"Are you still bugged by that person supposedly following you?" I hum against his hair and I feel him nod under my lips.

"Yes! I'm telling you hyung, there's someone out to get me but I haven't done anything, right? Perhaps they have the wrong person?" Jungkook huffs for what seems like the tenth time with frustration in his voice. The grip on my hand tightens.

"Perhaps. Look Kookie, I'm sure it's not as serious as you think! Maybe it's just someone admiring you from afar and you're skipping to conclusions thinking they're some kind of axe murderer working for the KKO" I explain and he fidgets in his spot.

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