iv [R]

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A/n: whenever the chapter had '[R]' in it, it means that it's like real life rather than texting ^^

Oh and you may need some holy water ;)


"Hello baby boy"

The sound of Taehyung's deep husky voice full with lust sends a shiver down Jungkook's spine. His voice disperses from his vocal cords, not able to answer.

"Baby, are you there? Jungkook?" Tae's voice comes out anxious and persistent, hoping for an answer from the younger. The latter, on the other hand, finally works up the courage to speak.

"Y-yeah I'm here" he squeaks, his hands shaking with nerves. He didn't expect the stranger to call him without warning.

"Sorry for calling you so suddenly, I just really wanted to hear your voice..."

"Oh... Urrr thanks?" Jungkook answers with caution, the older's voice causing his pants to become tight.

"Baby, I wish I could fuck you right now!" Taehyung whines, slowly unzipping his jeans which is audible on the other side of the phone.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Jungkook queries, however already knowing what he most likely to do.

"I'm sorry, you make me so hard. Join me if you need to..."

And with that, Jungkook could hear low muffled moans from the other side, a deep blush covering his cheeks. He immediately gets up and locks the door so that no one can enter his bedroom before pulling down his own pants and boxers.

Taehyung hears what the younger is doing and groans with pleasure, staying quiet so he can hear Jungkook's sounds.

Meanwhile, Jungkook hesitates before wrapping his hand around his already hard cock and begins rubbing and pumping the length. A long and high pitched moan erupts from Jungkook's mouth, not being able to keep it in.

"Fuck, baby" Taehyung growls, rubbing his own member to the sound of the brunette's moans.

"D-daddy" Jungkook gasps in between pants, biting his lip in an attempt to keep quiet.

"A-ah, d-don't resist, I wanna hear you" Taehyung groans as he notcices it go quiet on the other end. Luckily, he is home alone at this current time. However, Jungkook's mother is in the same house as the younger's.

Without caring, he obliges, letting out a whimper as he quickens the pace. A strange pool of warmth enters the pit of his stomach, signalling that he is close.

"F-fuck daddy, I'm g-gonna cum" Jungkook moans, reaching his limit.

"M-me too kitten" Taehyung groans as he too reaches his climax.

With loud moans escaping both of their mouths, they both release their load onto the bedsheets in unison, shallow pants filling the rooms.

Taehyung is the first to speak.
"Fuck baby boy, that was amazing!"

Kookie nods but soon realises that the other can't see it.

"We should do this again sometime" The older pipes up while cleaning himself and the bed up with tissues and a wet cloth.

"I would love to...daddy"

"Fuck, don't make me hard again" the latter whines, licking his lips and bringing the phone up to his ear.

"Well I don't actually know your name..." Jungkook murmurs, disposing of some tissues and throwing them into the trash. A pink dusting remains on his cheeks, his hair plastered to his forehead with sweat.

"You can call me V... For now" Taehyung answers, pulling up his boxers and zipping up his tight jeans.

"What do you mean 'for now'?" Jungkook frowns, confused at 'V''s choice of words.

"You'll see..." He smirks, his thought soon casting off when he hears the familiar rumbling of a car pulling up into the driveway.

"I've gotta go, baby. It was nice hearing your voice, it's cute! I'll talk to you later"

And with that, the call ends.

Jungkook sighs and pulls up his clothing, throwing his phone onto the bed.

"What am I doing with my life?"


Idk fam

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