xvi [R]

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Taehyung's POV

"Wait so... You guys are like online friends or what?" Jimin asks, tucking into a sandwich.

"Yeah, we started talking on kakao and it all went on from there" I answer, stealing glances at the blushing brunette next to me. I love the fact he gets embarrassed easily, flustered by the simplest of looks.

"Ah~ I see! What a coincidence that you attend the same school. That's like a 1/100 chance of happening like you guys should be in a movie or something or like a book cos it's like so cool you should write an autobiography...or biography...which one is it again? I forgot, anyway--"

Yoongi slaps his hand over Jimin's mouth to stop him from talking. I chuckle, watching as Jimin tries to pry the elder's hand off and eventually succeeds, pouting.

"You talk too much, its giving me a headache" Yoongi sighs, shaking his head. Jimin immediately slings his arms around him and mutters things like 'I'm sorry' and 'forgive me'.

I watch as Jungkook giggles at their childish behaviour, admiring his bunny smile. He turns to look at me, his laugh stifling and cheeks pink.

"Hey Kookie, have you joined any clubs yet? You should join basketball with me and Yoongi hyung it's really fun and you seem like a pretty active person so I bet you'd be really good--"

Jin slams his hand on the table dramatically, rubbing his temple.

"Jiminie, I love you and all but do you ever stop talking?!?" He groans and releases a deep sigh.

All eyes turn to Jimin who slides down in his seat to avoid our gazes, frowning. I can't help but burst out laughing, resulting in Namjoon elbowing me in the side.

"I actually haven't decided yet..." Jungkook mutters, puffing up his cheeks.

"You should join the orchestral club with me" I smirk, placing a hand on his knee under the table.

"Tae, no one wants to hear you mess up the saxophone and be surrounded by annoying juniors clashing symbals like there's no tomorrow" Yoongi points out. I kick him under the table and he kicks me back... Ten times harder.

"Ouch! That's not true, girls join the orchestral club just because I'm in it" I reply smugly. I feel Jungkook tense and squeeze his knee in reassurance.
"Of course, they are wasting their time" I add, smiling at the youngest who smiles back warmly.

Suddenly, a piercing ringing sound erupts throughout the canteen and everyone rises from their seats. The chairs groaning on the smooth floor sounds like thunder as everyone begins leaving for their next class.

I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder, tucking my chair under the table. I quickly grab hold of Jungkook's hand and give it a tight squeeze.

"Are you free after school?" I ask as we make our way down the corridor. He looks at me with those large doey eyes of his.

"I think so... Why?" He tilts his head and his bangs slightly move to the side.

"I wanted to know if you would like to come round my place for a bit and get to know each other a bit more, y'know..." I trail off. I begin rubbing small circles across his thumb.

"Ah okay, sounds good! I'll let my dad know" he chirps, swinging our interlocked hands back and forth.

A large grin finds its way on my face as we make our way to our next class.

I look forward to later.


"Hoseok watch out for that--"

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