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Every day Jacklin Maguinnes would stop by Ellie's room, giving her a gift of something from outside. One day it was a leaf, other days it's a seed or a nut, and sometimes it's a rock she could paint.

"Well, if ya can't go outside, ah figger ah can bring the outside tae you."

At least he's good for something.

Jack walked in. She sat on the floor watching him cross over to the small nightstand and set down a twig. He slumped down in the black bean bag a few feet away from her like he always did and just sat. He wouldn't stare in one spot, or at Ellie's eyes that sometimes glowed, he just looked around and kept a goofy smile on his face.

Why do you let him do this every day?

She shrugged.

Do you like him?

Ellie shook her head. She had never had a crush before. In fact, she had never really had any experience with love or joy.

Then he's useless to you. I say we get him over with before you get attached.

"No!" Ellie yelled, frustrated.

Jack stood up. "Sorry, did ah do something wrong?"

Ellie shook her head and ran to the bathroom closing the door behind her.

What is wrong with you?

"Nothing! He just-he..."

He what?

"He makes me feel...
Not alone."

Not alone.

"Zero, can we not talk about this right now?"

No, I want to know what he has that I don't.

"Uh I don't know, a face?" She said, leaving the bathroom, completely unaware of how loud she was being. He still sat on his beanbag, looking at a housekeeping magazine. She sat back down on the floor, feeling no obligation to explain what just happened.

An hour later Dr. Collins gave Jack the heads up it was time to go. He walked over to the door and gave a miniature wave and closed the door.

There was another knock on the door.
"Come in."
Dr. Collins walked in with a suspicious smile on his face.
"El, I know you're going to hate this but I would like you to-"
"Let me finish. A group of students have come to do a project on extreme jobs."

More people? No.

"What kind of project is that?" She sassed.

"And I've noticed how well you've been getting along with Jack so I thought maybe it's time you get to socialize with more people!"


"It wasn't a question."


He looked at her with sympathy and walked over to where she sat on the floor. "10 minutes," he said, giving her a rub on the head, messing up her hair. Seconds later she dragged herself to the bathroom and stared hopelessly into the mirror.

"Please behave." She put on nicer clothing. Ellie never wore makeup, or put on clothing that let you know she was a girl. Lastly she threw on her old green jacket she always wore. It had buttons all over it, and a few holes too. It was a raggedy old coat.

"Okay. Let's go."

Have you ever heard of a hairbrush?

"Nope," she said, admiring her long, tangled and messy hair. "Have you ever heard of shutting up for once?"

You should try one sometime.

"You should try shutting up for once."

Good one.

She left the comfort of her room and headed to Collins' office, knowing something was about to go horribly wrong.

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