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"I love that you're here – don't get me wrong – but why?"

Snorting at Quil's attempt at conversation, Skylar shrugged at the boy. "Didn't feel like going to school." She laughed at the look that came across his face but stopped as someone fell on top of her. "Umph!"

"But I love having you here, Sky," Embry sang out. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

Trying to get the much bigger body off of her, Skylar finally shoved him on the ground beside her. "A simple hug would have done just fine, Embry." Still, she couldn't keep the grin from stretching across her face.

"Move." The simple command came from Paul. Eyebrows drawn, he made space so that he could sit in between the two. His face was dark as he threw an arm over Skylar's shoulders.

Embry simply winked at Skylar before running off to join most of the pack playing soccer in the sand.

"You didn't have to be so rude, Paul."

His face tilted to look Skylar in the eyes, falling from stern to having a goofy looking smile on his face. "Nah, I didn't have to be."

She rolled her eyes at him as she watched the boys playing.


"Woah! That's my girl right there!"

Skylar squealed as Paul lifted her up and tossed her over his shoulder. Running around, Paul pumped his other fist in the air as he continued to yell about being proud of 'his girl'.

Embry threw his head back, exasperated. "We let her get a goal, Paul. We weren't going to hurt her-"

"My girl! Scoring a goal, even with all of these werewolves trying to block her! Nobody can stop her!"

Setting her down, Paul didn't even let Skylar get a word out before he smashed his lips to hers. Breathing in a small intake of air at the surprise kiss, Skylar stood still for a moment before giggling into the kiss, making Paul pull back. Both ignoring the groans coming from the rest of the pack, he smiled down at his imprint. He gazed at her for a second longer before tilting his head down again, slanting his lips across hers once again.


Skylar gently pushed herself away from Paul, ignoring his protests, to see Bella walking towards them. "What are you doing here, Bells?"

"Jake picked me up from school early. What are you doing?" Bella asked. Shooting Paul a glare, she slowly shifted her eyes to look at her twin.

Skylar, not realizing the tension between her imprint and sister, lifted her shoulders briefly. "Paul asked me to come by today. Figured I could miss a day of school." Nodding at the awkward silence, she continued. "Um, we're headed towards Emily's house for lunch. You wanna join us?" Glancing at Paul in confusion when he stiffened, she nudged him before smiling at Bella.

"Actually, I'm going walking with Jake... But I'll see you in a bit." Bella gave her a tight smile and walked back to Jake, who watched the whole incident with squinted eyes.

Observing the two walk out of earshot, Skylar faced Paul with a frown on her face. "What was that?"

"Nothing," Paul said. Seeing her face, he sighed. "Really, Sky. Don't worry."

"I want to know what's going on between you two," Skylar said.

Paul clenched his jaw and turned to face the waves overlapping on the sand. Mouth opening and closing a few times, he finally looked at Skylar. "Look. I know you want us to get on well together, and it's good that the two of you made up, but that doesn't mean I have to forgive her. I don't know if you remember what she said or did to you but I do."

Skylar stood in silence before taking a breath. "Okay."

Kicking an eyebrow up, Paul scoffed. "You're okay with that?"

"I mean, I'm not thrilled that you don't like her, and visa versa, but I can't make you two make up. So as long as nothing happens, I'm okay for now."

Paul wrapped her in his arms, snuggling his face between her shoulder and neck. "You surprise me all the time, Ms. Swan."

"Hopefully I'll always continue to, Mr. Lahote."

He released her before taking her left hand in his, twisting her ring finger with two of his own. "You know, Ms. Swan, that you look like an awful lot like my next girlfriend."

"I am your girlfriend, Paul," Skylar said, playfully rolling her eyes.

He shook his head. "I haven't actually asked you yet." Taking a deep breath, Paul slanted his head. "So? Will you do me the great honor of becoming my girlfriend? My better half? My one and only? And so on and so forth."

Playing along, Skylar beamed up at him. "I have to think about it – I'm kidding!" She exclaimed as he tickled her sides. "I accept."

"You two are so sickly sweet that it's sickening." Embry exclaimed, pretending to throw up on the top of the hill. "Seriously, I now have seen enough to last me five years worth of rom-coms. So thank you for that."

"Never knew you were the rom-com type, Em," Skylar teased, the three of them heading towards Emily's house.

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