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Such a vibrant gif for such an intense chapter. 

Skylar unzipped the tent, anxious to get out of the suddenly overheated area. She looked up right as a wolf trotted in the area. Staring at it for a second, she recognized the smaller wolf to be Seth. 

"Hey, Seth," she whispered. Not wanting to disturb Bella inside the tent, she stepped closer to the animal. "Is Paul okay?" 

Taking the nod Seth gave her as a yes, let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks." Hesitantly, she raised her hand to stoke his head, smiling as a soft purring sound came rumbling out of his chest. 

Bella stuck her head out of the tent just as Edward appeared from the overhang. The twin emerged fully, shooting Edward a questioning glance. "Where's Jacob? Did he already..."

"Not yet," the vampire responded. "He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." The two slowly became with breathing distance of each other, making both Skylar and Seth share an uncomfortable look with each other. Following Seth's lead, both of them disappeared from Edward and Bella's sight, giving the couple a quick moment alone. 

Skylar faltered her steps, watching as Seth sat on his hind legs right above the cliff. One small step at a time, she moved until she stood right beside him. It wasn't an awkward silence between the two. After spending most her time with Paul and the pack she had grown quite acquainted with the youngest wolf. 

Her chest grew tight at the thought of Paul. She was confident in his skills, yes, but as the fight grew closer, she grew more anxious. Blaming it on the imprint connection she sighed, making Seth glance up at her. "I'm just worried. About all of them... But I'm really worried if something happens to Paul. I mean, what if he gets hurt or..." 

She trailed off as Seth nudged his head against her shoulder. Looking at him, she smiled. "I'm just glad you're out of the fight. I know you're frustrated about it but I would be worrying my ass off about you even more. You're like the little brother I never had, Seth. I would die inside if something happened to you, too."

He gave the ground a long stare before looking back at Skylar. Right when she was about to break the moment, his head snapped back towards where the tent was set up. Motioning his head back towards the area, he began trotting back towards where they had came from. 

Tugging on her hair and pushing it out of her face, Skylar took a deep breath and following his footsteps. Not even a minute later, she broke into the entrance. Immediately, she could sense some sort of tension between Edward and Bella but decided to ignore it. She saw Seth and made her way towards the wolf. 

A growl formed in it's chest as he looked between the trio, making Edward take in a staggering breath. "It's starting."

Skylar bit her lip, imagining the scene. She could see the vampires running at super speed, following Bella's scent. She could see the Cullens standing, waiting. She could see the wolves hiding, waiting for their moment to attack. 

The wolves. 


She could see the fight happening, with the vampires fighting. The wolves jumping out and joining. Her chest tightened. Her breath quickened. Looking at Edward for an update, she saw the concentrated look on his face as he saw what was happening several hundred feet down. 

"Jacob just got there." Edward stared at the ground a little longer before nodding at Bella. "He's good."

Seconds later, Edward stilled, making both the Swan twins stare at him in anticipation. "Someone's hurt," Bella asked. 

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