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Hey there! This is my first time trying to write a multi chapter fic so of I suck please let me know! Also, I got the idea for this fic by watching a faberry video on YouTube and reading the fan fic based off of it( I literally have no life, don't judge me) so I thought I would try to make it camren. In order to make this work I had to change Lauren's birthday date so it was set during the school year.

Lauren's POV
I'm walking around the halls of Miami High when I hear the most angelic voice call my name. I turn to where I think the voice is coming from but see nothing.

"Lauren." The voice was closer this time. I turn and my breath catches in my throat. Right in front of me is Camila Cabello. She's sitting there smiling and showing her slightly crooked, but still somehow perfect looking, teeth. She has this sort of glow going on behind and her hair is blowing slightly making her look like the angel she is. Her chocolate brown eyes are staring me down as I stand there probably looking like an idiot.

"Lauren." As glad as I am to see her, I want to know why the she keeps saying my name. And how the hell her hair is blowing when there's no fan around.

" Camila." I honestly didn't really know what to say to her.

"Lauren...Lauren...", now it's getting kind of annoying, "Lauren....LAUREN!" The fuck? Her voice changes to a more masculine one which is creeping me out.

My eyes start to open and I realize I was dreaming."LAUREN!", and there goes my loud ass uncle with the yelling of my name, "Get your lazy ass up! Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you get to miss school!" Damnit. At least now I know why Camila started to sound like a man in my dream turned nightmare.

"I'm up, I'm up. You know I just had a dream where Camila was calling my name in your voice because you were yelling for me to get up instead of being the loving uncle that gently shakes his niece awake. And why can't I miss school on my birthday?" Seriously one day wouldn't hurt anybody.

"Good to know I haunt your dreams, my dear little niece." Uncle B tells me this smirking. Jackass. "And you know that when your parents agreed to letting you live with me, the greatest thing that has ever happened to you, they said to make sure you go to school everyday unless you are sick or there's a family emergency. You have neither, so school it is kid." Again I say damnit.

"Ugh, fine. Do I at least get a birthday breakfast?" I ask him giving a little pout.

"Well I did make these blueberry pancakes because I know they're someone's favorite."

"Yessss. I must confess you're the best Uncle B." I get up and give him a hug.

"I know I am and happy birthday kid." He gives me a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead before leaving my room so I can get ready for school.

Just in case you're wondering, I'm living with my uncle because my dad got a huge job offering up in North Carolina that he couldn't pass up. I didn't want to leave because my life is down here in Miami. So my Uncle B, or Brendon Urie (the guy shown in the picture above), suggested I live with him and my parents were fine with it as long as I kept up my grades in school.

Anyway, I go to take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I put on a black tank top, a red and blue plaid shirt, a pair of light blue high waisted skinny jeans, and a pair of Vans. I go back into the bathroom to get ready to put make up on but I think I rather just go natural today so I set my focus on my hair instead. Once I fixed my hair and grabbed my bag I headed downstairs for those pancakes that have been calling my name.

I go into the kitchen and sit on one of the bar stools. I see no sign of my uncle or delicious blueberry pancakes. Then I see both when Uncle B comes into the kitchen singing "Happy Birthday" with a stack of pancakes on a plate with a single birthday candle sticking out that was already lit. See this is why I love my uncle.

"Well don't just sit there, make a wish!", I smile and close my eyes. I didn't really make a wish as I blew the candle out because I was pretty happy already.

"Did you wish for anything good, like for your favorite uncle to finally be able to live his dream of becoming a famous musician/singer? Or finally having the balls to ask Camila Cabello out?" He asks me grinning.

"No, I didn't make a wish. Even if I did I couldn't tell you or else it wouldn't come true. As for asking Camila out, I already told you a million times that I have no chance in hell with her." I made the mistake of telling Uncle B about my crush on the Cuban beauty after him having to pick me up from school one day because I got hit in the face with a dodgeball during gym while I was staring at said Cuban beauty. When he asked me how I got hit I decided just to tell him. I had never told him I was gay so I was able to come out at the same time. He just gave me a warm smile and asked to see a picture of Camila. I showed him a group photo we had taken for glee and pointed her out. He gave me a high five saying that he approved.

"I still think you guys could be a kick ass couple if you would just ask her out, just saying. Anyway, I have to get to work and you have to go to school birthday girl." At least I get a chance to see Camila today.

"I'll see you when I get home. By the way Mani and Dinah are coming over so we can do a little 4 person birthday party." I didn't really want to do any thing big for my birthday, I just wanted to chill with my friends and uncle.

"I already figured they would be coming over since they come over almost everyday anyway." Point taken. "Love you and have a good day at school. Don't talk to strangers and always say no to drugs!" He tells me as we're walking out the door to go to our cars.

"Too late and love you too!" I laugh as I get into my jeep. I head off to school thinking of a certain chocolate brown eyed girl.

So that's the end of this chapter. I decided to have Lauren live with Brendon Urie because 1) I thought he would be fun to have in the story and 2) hopefully it will help make what I want to write a little easier. Even if I don't get a lot of feedback, I'm still going to try to write because I've been wanting to try out this idea for a while and just want to get it out of my head.

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