Chapter 5

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Hello dear readers! Thank you for continuing to read this story for as long as you have! Also, thank you guys for voting and commenting on the story! It literally makes my day when I get notifications about it. Anyway, in this chapter we get to see Lauren interact a little bit with both Cabello sisters! And since I can't really think of anything else to say, on with the story!

Lauren's POV
Camila goes to walk off to the fountain with a smirking Austin following along. Hopefully that smirk gets wiped off his face soon. I feel a tug on my shirt and look down at Sofi.

"Do you think he looks like a dorito?"I gave out a suprised laugh at this. This kid gets funnier by the minute. "I told Mila one day that he looked like a dorito. She told me that wasn't nice but I know she was thinking it too."

"Yeah he does look a bit like a dorito. Maybe he fell out of his bag in the dorito factory."

Sofi laughed a little before frowning, " I don't like him. He always gets my name wrong."

I knelt down next her. "Can I let you in on a little secret?" She nodded. "I don't really like him either. He's got really smelly breath. I think the fumes from his mouth mess with his brain so he can't remember awesome names like Sofi." That got her to giggle a little which made me smile.

"He's like a dragon that breathes out stinky breath instead of fire. Ooh and Mila is like the princess that needs saving from him." Sofi puts on a little thinking face before looking at me and smiling brightly. "And who better to save her than knights Harrold and Sofia! That's you and me by the way." I was suprised at what she said.

"That sounds awesome. I would be honored to fight off the smelly dragon with you, Knight Sofia." I say in a goofy voice while bowing my head slightly.

"And I would be honored to fight with you, Knight Harrold." She mimics me bowing her head. We looked at each other and laughed.

"We just can't tell your sister because she could get angry, and we can't make the princess angry. That would make us bad knights." I didn't want Sofi to repeat what we said just in case it gets her into trouble with Camila.

"Okay Harrold. I'm gonna call you Harrold whenever I see you now so you can remember we're knights." I laugh and look over to see Camila and Austin still talking. Austin looks angry and Camila looks annoyed.

"Hey Harrold, your friends are back." Sofi pointed over to Uncle B, Dinah, and Mani.

"Hey we got you food. Where's Camila?" Dinah hands me a Chick-fil-A bag.

"She's over there talking to Austin." I point over in their direction.

"It doesn't look like it's going well. When did he even get here?" Mani asks me as I dig into the bag to pull out my fries.

"Almost right after you guys went to the food court", I turn to Sofi and hold out the fries, "Want some?" She nods before grabbing a couple.

"Thank you Harrold!" Sofi grins at me before eating.

"You're welcome, Sofia." I smile back before starting to munch on some fries myself. "You know I literally only got two words out before he showed up." I go back to the conversation about dorito.

"Dang it, do you know how much work I put into trying to get these two over to the food court and try to keep them for as long as I did?" Dinah exclaimed.

"Girl, you were the main one trying to get back over here. And you didn't even pay for the food after dragging us there!" Uncle B stated sassily. I laughed. These two I swear.

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