Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Thanks for hanging around and reading this for as long y'all have! Publishing this makes me a little nervous because I don't even know if I really like it yet, so hopefully you guys enjoy it. By the way, happy birthday to newly turned 23 year old Ally!

Lauren's POV
"So what exactly do we need to do for this assignment?" I had moved to sit down next to Camila.

"Well our assignment this week is feelings.We have to take how we're feeling about our partner and find a song that fits that feeling. Mr.Lambert said that we don't have to discuss with each other if we don't want to. He also said that if we do talk and happen to have the same feeling about each other then we can sing a duet", she was explaining with a cute little smile on her face. "This might be a little harder to do though considering you're new here and we just met." Little does she know.

"Well we could-", I get cut off by dickhead Mahone.

"Hey babe." He puts his arm around her and she just gives him a strange look.

"Um hey Austin", she gives a polite smile while taking his arm from around her,"What are you doing here?" Yeah what are you doing here, you damn dorito?

"Just came over to see my girl." He sends Camila what he thinks is a charming smile but it looks more like he's trying to hold in a fart.

"Austin, we aren't dating anymore which means I'm not your girl." Camila stated, which made me smile for a second before I straightened my face. "And, you should be working with your partner who's over there." She points over to where Becky was sitting on her phone.

"Look I get that you were mad this weekend, but I figured you would be over it by now. I told you I was sorry." I wonder what he did this time. "Why don't you let me take you out tonight to make up for it." Please say no.

"No, I told you we were done for good this time." Thank God. "Can you please leave so I can get back to working with my partner?" Austin looks over to me with an irritated look on his face. I wave at him with a grin.

"You're working with this guy? He can't even sing that well." Neither can you buddy, I just choose not to be rude about it and tell it to your face. Austin turns back to Camila with a smirk. "And you know as well as I do that we're going to be back together by the end of the week anyway, so why not just let me take you out?" Is he serious right now?

"Okay that was rude and unnecessary. Harry didn't even do anything." Yeah, I didn't even do anything! "And I'm not doing this with you right now. We are supposed to be working on our assignment."

"Yeah but-", Austin gets cut off by our teacher.

"I believe your partner is over there, Austin. Why don't you go over there as well." Austin rolls his eyes as he gets up to walk away.

"This isn't over yet Camila. We're endgame." And with that last idiotic remark he walks away.

"I'm sorry about him. I don't understand why he can't take a hint." Camila turned to me. "And what he said isn't true. I think you have great voice, plus you are probably the only one so far that auditioned with the rest of the glee members present. I would say that took a bit of guts considering you didn't even know all of us." She said with a cute little smile on her face.

I could feel little bit of a blush on my cheeks from her saying she liked my voice. I give her a small smile. "Thank you. And it's no big deal about Austin", he just enjoys interrupting every conversation I have, "Is he one of the clingy ones? Sorry if I'm overstepping."

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