
4.2K 54 8

What's up y'all?! It's been a couple of months since I've written this story, that I'm extremely thankful has gotten so many views. I seriously thought this story wouldn't even get one view when I first started writing it, now it has over 20k views! So thank you guys so much for all the votes and comments on this story, you have no idea how much it brightens  up my day to see that pop up in my notifications! I really want to write a sequel for this story since I have a couple of ideas for it, the only bad thing is that it would most likely be a one shot because I don't think there's anyway I could get a multi chapter story going for it. So hopefully sometime around Christmas I'll have some sort of sequel that's been in the works and that will be ready for ya'll to read. I would try to work on it sooner but I got the whole college life thing I gotta do (which is not fun cause I starve because the student that gave us the campus tour freakin lied about the food!) Anyway, if y'all happen to have any ideas as to what I can write for this sequel feel free to message me! 

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